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更新时间:2025-03-10 19:35:29
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  • 旗鱼
  • 姥鲛
  • 旗鱼属(Istiophorus)的鱼
  • “东方旗鱼”(美国制造的潜艇)


1. large pelagic game fish having an elongated upper jaw and long dorsal fin that resembles a sail

2. a saltwater fish with lean flesh

1. sailfish的近义词

1. 旗鱼:资料: 旗鱼(sailfish)是一类长嘴鱼(billfish). 按照分布区域,旗鱼可分为两种:印度洋-太平洋旗鱼和大西洋旗鱼,但是遗传学研究表明,二者其实是同一物种. 旗鱼最明显的外形特征是其竖立的背鳍和细长的嘴. 旗鱼的生长速度很快,

2. sailfish是什么意思

2. 旗鱼 (名):sailcloth 帆布 (名) | sailfish 旗鱼 (名) | sailing boat 帆船

3. 旗鱼;姥鲛:sacred a.上帝的;神圣的 | sailfish 旗鱼;姥鲛 | sake n.理由;目的;为了某人

Sailfish are one of the most beautiful and graceful fish in the sea.(旗鱼是海洋中最美丽、最优雅的鱼类之一。)
I jumped to attention, fly rod and fly in hand, ready to cast when the moment was right — when the sailfish came within about 10 meters of the stern of the boat.(我也赶紧预备好,手握飞杆和假饵,只待时机一到——旗鱼一靠近船尾10米以内时——就动手甩杆。)
The fastest fish is the sailfish. It can travel at 100 km per hour.(最快的鱼是旗鱼。它每小时能游100千米。)
On the Pacific, it's common to release a dozen or more sails and even a marlin or two in a single day, and not unusual to release more than 30 sailfish a day.(关于太平洋它的共同释放了十多帆,甚至在一天两马林、不寻常释放了30多天的鱼肉。)
'Sailfish is designed to support the business partners' business models.(旗鱼的目的就是支持业务合作伙伴的业务模式。)
A fine start to the day, and my first sailfish on a fly.(这一天的开局真不错,这也是我第一次用飞杆钓到旗鱼。)
My goal was not only to catch a sailfish, but to catch one on a fly rod for the first time.(我的目标不仅是钓到旗鱼,还要实现用飞杆钓旗鱼的零的突破。)
All in all, a long day, arriving too late to make the drive to Sailfish Bay.(总之是漫长的一天,因为到得太晚,也赶不及开车前往旗鱼湾了。)
Most guides are not experienced in fly fishing for sailfish, which requires close teamwork and coordination between the angler and the crew once the sailfish is sighted and within casting range.(很多导游都没有飞杆钓旗鱼的经验,其实这种钓法需要垂钓者和船员在发现旗鱼进入垂钓范围后非常密切地分工和合作。)
Yes, I would like to have a portion of sashimi with salmon, tuna, and sailfish. Can you also give me more wasabi?(奸啊,我想要一份鲑鱼、鲔鱼和旗鱼的生鱼片。你可以给我一些芥末吗。)
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