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更新时间:2025-03-10 19:38:47



英 [səˈtænik]

美 [səˈtænɪk, se-]


副词: satanically 异体字: satanical

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  • 撒旦的
  • 恶魔的,魔鬼的,魔王的
  • 邪恶的
  • 崇拜撒旦的
  • 极阴险邪恶的,丑恶的,极恶劣的
  • 蔑视(宗教)道德的
  • 似撒旦的

1. 受撒旦影响的;撒旦引起的
Something that is satanic is considered to be caused by or influenced by Satan.

e.g. ...satanic cults.
e.g. ...satanic ritual.

2. 极其邪恶的;穷凶极恶的
A person or thing that is satanic is extremely wicked and evil.

e.g. ...satanic mass murderers.

1. Satanic

1. 恶魔的:satang 泰国货币 | Satanic 恶魔的 | Satanically 恶魔般地

2. 撒旦:Sange and Yasha双剑 | Satanic撒旦 | Scourge 天灾军团

3. 健忘魔鬼:70 家门危机2 Gamunui wigi: Gamunui yeonggwang 2 | 71 健忘魔鬼 SATANIC | 72 交换温柔 Club Butterfly

4. 恶魔般的:satang 泰国货币 | satanic 恶魔般的 | satanically 恶魔般地

I would go so far to say that something like a Satanic sensibility may be one of our best guides in our reading of Milton.(我大可以这样说,这种撒旦式的艺术感受力,可能是我们阅读弥尔顿时的最好引导之一。)
The Satanic activity of the late 1960’s had almost totally fizzled out until MTV came along.(在六十年代末,撒旦教活动在MTV出现之前已经都要销声匿迹了。)
Popular name: “Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko”(中文名:撒旦叶尾壁虎)
Blake was not in some rural idyll; he was on Peckham Rye, within a mile or so of his dark Satanic mills, and down the road from the workhouse.(布莱克并非在乡村田园中看到天使的,而是在派克姆麦,离他那座乌黑的圣塔尼克磨房只有一英里左右,就在顺着工坊过来的路上。)
Is Paul talking here about sort of Satanic angelic powers that ruled the cosmos?(保罗这里说的是,某种统治着宇宙的撒旦或天使的力量吗?)
Their dark, blistering sound, harsh vocals, and macabre, proudly Satanic imagery proved a major inspiration for extreme metal bands.(他们阴暗、水泡音的刺耳嗓音和恐怖、堂皇的撒旦式意象显然为极端金属乐队提供了主要灵感。)
He's a demonic spirit. He's a Satanic force.(他是一个恶魔,也是一股邪恶势力。)
Could it have been some sort a Satanic ritual?(那会不会是撒旦教的一种仪式呢?)
Paul testifies that before the second advent of Christ there will be similar manifestations of satanic power.(保罗早就指出,在基督复临之前,撒但将会再次施展他的魔力。)
This is a common feature of satanic sects.(这是邪恶部分的一个共同特点。)
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