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英 [spɒnˈteɪniəs]

美 [spɑ:nˈteɪniəs]


副词: spontaneously 名词: spontaneousness

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 自发的,自然的,自生的,自动的
  • 无意识的,不由自主的,本能的
  • 自身造成的
  • 无雕饰的,自然流畅的
  • 自生地,自然地,无意识地
  • 自发的,无意识的 done,happening,said,etc. because of a voluntary impulse from within,not caused or suggested by sb/sth outside
  • 自然的,天真率直的 natural,not forced


1. said or done without having been planned or written in advance

e.g. he made a few ad-lib remarks

Synonym: ad-libunwritten

2. happening or arising without apparent external cause

e.g. spontaneous laughter
spontaneous combustion
a spontaneous abortion

Synonym: self-generated

1. (行为)自然的,自发的
Spontaneous acts are not planned or arranged, but are done because someone suddenly wants to do them.

e.g. Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music...
e.g. I joined in the spontaneous applause.

As soon as the tremor passed, many people spontaneously arose and cheered...
He was never spontaneously warm or friendly towards us.

2. 自然的,自发的(指由于内部原因而非外界影响所引起的)
A spontaneous event happens because of processes within something rather than being caused by things outside it.

e.g. I had another spontaneous miscarriage at around the 16th to 18th week.
我在大约第 16 至 18 孕周时又经历了一次自然流产。
e.g. ...a spontaneous explosion.

Usually a woman's breasts produce milk spontaneously after the birth...
These images surface spontaneously in dreams.
  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • Her successful jump brought a spontaneous cheer from the crowd.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • Stories and poems were springing into spontaneous creation in his brain.

    出自:J. London
  • Edward clapped his hands briskly,..a spontaneous gesture.

    出自:G. Gordon
  • The applause was spontaneous, even heartfelt.

    出自:W. F. Buckley
  • When they met for the first time it was with spontaneous and mutual antipathy.

    出自:D. Madden
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Slow down and enjoy the scenery. Be spontaneous.(放慢脚步,去欣赏沿途的风景,要发自内心的去做。)
As Masurium, it was the first element discovered that occurs in nature only from spontaneous fission, and as Technetium, it was the first element discovered in a laboratory.(作为Masurium,它是在自然界中发现的第一种只能通过自然裂变产生的元素;作为锝,它是在实验室中发现的第一种元素。)
The audience burst into spontaneous applause.(观众自发地鼓起掌来。)
Sort of direction of spontaneous change.(自发过程的方向。)
The spontaneous change lowers the potential energy in that case.(在这个例子中,自发变化减小了势能。)
I had another spontaneous miscarriage at around the 16th to 18th week.(在大约第16至18周时我又一次自然流产了。)
Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.(戴安娜的房子挤满了幸福的人们,他们在欢快音乐的伴奏下不由自主地唱起歌来。)
It's the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.(它是自发的感情流露。)
They are spontaneous in their ideas and actions.(他们在意识和行为上是自发的。)
When they got up, the whole place broke out into spontaneous applause.(当他们站起来时,全场爆发出自发的掌声。)
spontaneous是什么意思 spontaneous在线翻译 spontaneous什么意思 spontaneous的意思 spontaneous的翻译 spontaneous的解释 spontaneous的发音 spontaneous的同义词