英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:39:49


英 ['sævɪdʒlɪ]

美 [ˈsævɪdʒlɪ]


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1. in a vicious manner

e.g. he was viciously attacked

Synonym: viciouslybrutally

2. wildly
like an animal

e.g. she cried out savagely

1. 野蛮地:savage 未开发的 | savagely 野蛮地 | savageness 天然


2. 野蛮地/残忍地/无礼地:savable /可救的/可储蓄的/可节省的/ | savagely /野蛮地/残忍地/无礼地/ | savageness /野蛮/残忍/未开化/

3. 野蛮地; 残酷地 (副):savage 野蛮的, 凶猛的, 未开化的 (形) | savagely 野蛮地; 残酷地 (副) | savageness 荒凉; 残忍; 凶猛; 野蛮 (名)

He walked up and down, batting his head savagely with his fists, but he could not conquer the numbness of sleep.(他走来走去,用拳头野蛮地捶脑袋,仍证服不了沉重的睡意。)
Mr. Button banged the outer door savagely....(巴顿重重地摔门而去……)
Thousands of whales continue to be savagely hunted and killed every year.(每年成千上万的鲸鱼被残忍捕杀。)
She held Lucius' head with her right hand, gripped his body with the other hand, and kissed him savagely.(她用右手捧起卢修斯的头,另一只手紧紧抱着他的身体,然后激烈的亲吻着他。)
Tsvangirai was taken into custody and beaten savagely.(茨万吉拉伊先生被拘留,并遭到粗野的拷打。)
And turning to me he mumbles savagely: "That cluck!"(说完他又转向我恶狠狠地咕哝道,“这个笨蛋!”)
Are you possessed with a devil, 'he pursued savagely,' to talk in that manner to me when you are dying?(“你是不是被鬼缠住了,”他凶暴地追问着,“在你要死的时候还这样跟我说话?”)
The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous.(该作品文笔痛快地犀利和极端地幽默。)
One reason the downturn has been so severe is that firms have trimmed inventories savagely.(当今经济衰退如此剧烈的原因之一就是公司开始大幅减少存货。)
Inherited wealth has been savagely reduced by taxation and, in time, the great fortunes will disappear altogether.(税收大大减少了继承的财富,随着时间的推移,巨大的财富将完全消失。)
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