英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [hɑ:ʃlɪ]

美 [ˈhɑrʃlɪ]


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1. in a harsh and grating manner

e.g. her voice fell gratingly on our ears

Synonym: gratinglyraspingly

2. in a harsh or unkind manner

e.g. `That's enough!,' he cut in harshly

1. 严厉地:harmonize 一致 | harshly 严厉地 | hastily 匆忙地

2. 粗糙地/粗暴地/剌耳地/严厉地/严酷地:harry /掠夺/侵略/使痛苦/使苦恼/ | harshly /粗糙地/粗暴地/剌耳地/严厉地/严酷地/ | harshness /粗糙的事物/刺耳/严肃/


3. 苛刻地,刺耳地:distracted 心神不定的,心烦意乱的 | harshly 苛刻地,刺耳地 | tend to 倾向于,有助于


4. 严厉地;苛刻地:engine 发动机,引擎;机车 | harshly 严厉地;苛刻地 | harsh 粗糙的;(声音)刺耳的;严厉的,苛刻的

If you just stick with it and don't judge your man too harshly. Or call the cops.(只要你不离不弃,不过分严厉的评判你的男人——或者叫警察。)
The Vatican has been harshly criticized for its position.(梵蒂冈已因其立场饱受严厉谴责。)
If you just stick with it and don't judge your man too harshly.(只要你坚持下去,别对你的男人太苛求。)
This affair has been settled too harshly.(这件事做得太刻薄了。)
She's been told that her husband is being harshly treated in prison.(她被告知她丈夫正在监狱里遭受严酷的对待。)
Israel would continue its efforts to destroy the terrorist infrastructure, arrest those behind terrorist activities and harshly punish those who perpetrate these murderous activities.(以色列将继续努力摧毁恐怖主义基础设施,逮捕恐怖主义活动的幕后黑手并严厉惩罚实施这些杀人活动的人。)
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.(我没有意识到我的话是多么的严厉苛刻。)
The group was harshly criticized in many quarters.(这一团伙在许多地方都受到尖锐的批评。)
Don't harshly criticize others, even if they deserve it.(不要过于严厉的责备别人,就算他们确实做得很不好也不行。)
Alec laughed harshly.(亚历克刺耳地大笑。)
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