英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 17:29:39



英 [ˈsɔ:dʌst]

美 [ˈsɔˌdʌst]


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形容词: sawdusty

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1. fine particles of wood made by sawing wood

1. 锯末;锯木屑
Sawdust is dust and very small pieces of wood which are produced when you saw wood.

e.g. ...a layer of sawdust.

1. sawdust的意思

1. 锯屑:文章摘要:实验动物垫料(Laboratory animal bedding)是影响实验动物健康和动物实验结果的国际公认的重要环境因素之一,我国大多数实验动物生产和动物实验研究单位使用的垫料是来源不清楚的刨花(Shaving)和锯屑(Sawdust),质量得不到保证.

2. 锯末:生态厕所为冲水式厕所的替代品,无需以水作为运输粪便的媒介,将具有良好多孔性、吸水性、排水性的锯末(sawdust)作为微生物的繁殖场所,在反应箱内进行人工强化堆肥处理.

3. sawdust的反义词

3. 木糠;木屑;锯屑:Save the Earth <> | sawdust 木糠;木屑;锯屑 | sawdust bed 木糠

Some had their mouths stuffed with sawdust.(有人嘴里被塞满了锯木屑。)
The women mix sawdust and clay to make flower pot shaped filters that they use to purify drinking water.(妇女们将锯屑和粘土混在一起,制造花盆状的滤水器,用来净化饮用水。)
I stuffed his socks with sawdust and filled his shoes with clay.(我在他的袜子里塞了些木屑还有泥土填满他的鞋。)
Upper night will hear a plank of wood borers in defoliation, and the sawdust on homeopathy.(晚上会听见上铺有蛀虫在啃食木板,木屑就顺势而下。)
Pine tree by the side of the road full of crystal sawdust, shine.(路旁的松树上挂满了了“水晶屑末”,发出耀眼的光芒。)
And sawdust and filbert husks to make red wine more astringent.(锯末和榛子壳使红酒口感更加涩。)
Mable commenced sweeping up the sawdust while I packed up my tools.(梅布尔开始打扫地上的锯末,我则收起工具。)
The loveliest Doll in the last analysis is merely sawdust.(说到底,最可爱的布娃娃也只不过是锯末做成的。)
The humankind can culture shii-take with sawdust.(人们可以用木屑栽培香菇。)
Others had greatcoats tied over their heads; some had their mouths stuffed with sawdust.(有人被厚外套蒙住头;有人嘴里被塞满了锯木屑。)
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