英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈsædl]

美 [ˈsædl]




过去式: saddled 过去分词: saddled 现在分词: saddling 第三人称单数: saddles

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  • 鞍状物
  • 鞍,马鞍
  • 鞍状山脊,马鞍形山
  • 【机】座板,滑动座架
  • 浮桥的托梁
  • (脚踏车、自行车等的)鞍,车座
  • 带肋骨的肉,带脊骨的腰肉
  • 鞍形架
  • 【地】鞍部
  • 鞍状构造
  • 【物】谐振曲线的凹谷
  • 使负担,使承担,使受拖累,使某人肩负重担
  • 跨上马鞍,上鞍(常与up连用)
  • 强加
  • 加鞍,备鞍,给…备鞍,给(马)装鞍,给(马)备鞍,装以马鞍
  • [C] (马)鞍,鞍状物 a seat made to fit over the back of an animal, especially a horse, for a rider to sit on
  • [C] 车座 a seat on a bicycle, motorcycle, etc.
  • vt. 套上马鞍 put a saddle on a horse
  • vt. 使负担 cause to load or charge with (sth) as a burden


1. posterior part of the back of a domestic fowl

2. a seat for the rider of a bicycle

Synonym: bicycle seat

3. a seat for the rider of a horse or camel

4. a piece of leather across the instep of a shoe

5. cut of meat (especially mutton or lamb) consisting of part of the backbone and both loins

6. a pass or ridge that slopes gently between two peaks (is shaped like a saddle)

Synonym: saddleback


1. impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to

e.g. He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend

Synonym: chargeburden

2. load or burden

e.g. he saddled me with that heavy responsibility

3. put a saddle on

e.g. saddle the horses

1. 鞍;马鞍
A saddle is a leather seat that you put on the back of an animal so that you can ride the animal.

2. 给(马等)备鞍;给…装上马鞍
If you saddle a horse, you put a saddle on it so that you can ride it.

e.g. Why don't we saddle a couple of horses and go for a ride?

3. (自行车或摩托车的)车座
A saddle is a seat on a bicycle or motorcycle.

4. (羊、兔或鹿的)脊肉,腰肉
A saddle of lamb, rabbit, or venison is a piece of meat taken from the middle of the animal's back.


5. 使承担(责任、任务)
If you saddle someone with a problem or with a responsibility, you put them in a position where they have to deal with it.

e.g. The war devastated the economy and saddled the country with a huge foreign debt.

6. 骑马
If you are in the saddle, you are riding a horse.

e.g. When I watch horse racing on television, I wish I was back in the saddle.

7. 在位;掌权
If you are in the saddle, you are in power or in control of a situation.

e.g. The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle.

相关词组:saddle up

1. saddle的意思

1. 鞍:琴桥上有一个重要的部分就是,就是鞍(saddle),多由骨头或者塑料制成. 鞍将琴弦在琴桥上架起,并帮助把琴弦的振动传递到面板. 面板(top):可能对于原声吉他的声音影响最大的一个元素就是面板(top)了. 当琴弦被弹动时,

2. 马鞍:而有些早期梳状椅背带有卡布里腿、和看起来像马鞍(saddle)的宽厚椅座. 除此也有做成箍形背(hoop-back)、轮形背(wheel-back)、梯形背(ladder-back)的椅子,而温莎椅乃带有宽大的卡不里腿或简单的车枳腿. 17世纪早期,

3. 鞍点:教育出版社<> 高文琦 等编 南京大学出版社<> 邵慧民编 科学出版社<> 王巧玲 等编 南京大学出版社约瑟夫逊(Josephson)结的基本特性研究和力学类比特殊的点称之为鞍点(saddle)或叫双曲点.

  • 常用短语

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  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    处于控制地位in a position of controlIt's good to have an experienced man in the saddle again.又有一位经验丰富的人掌权,这太好了。
    〈非正〉强迫(某人)接受 force acceptance of (sth/sb unwanted) on〔upon〕 (sb)
    saddle sth on〔upon〕 sb

    Don't try to saddle your dirty work on me!


1. in the saddle : 使有控制权, 掌权, 处于负责地位;

2. saddle up : 备马;

3. get into the saddle : 上马, 就职;

  • Please give me a lift onto the saddle.
  • He was putting a saddle on the horse.
  • The bicycle saddle is too high for this child.
  • He saddled his horse, mounted, and rode away at a gallop.
  • It is no surprise that she could saddle the horses.
  • They saddled a gentle pony for the child.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
  • Officials in faraway Moscow saddled the Ukraine club..with all the national team fixtures.

    出自:World Soccer
  • Her escort is saddled with another job..to transport another uncontrollable passenger.

  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • saddle用作名词的意思是“鞍子”或类似鞍子的鞍状物,转化为动词意为“套上马鞍”,引申可表示“使(某人)负担”责任、债务等,既可指别人强加于自己的负担,也可指由于自己的过错而造成的负担。
  • saddle一般用作及物动词,常接动物作宾语。表示“使(某人)负担”责任、债务时,常与介词with连用。
  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的sadol,意为马鞍。
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

All went right, and the groom lay snoring with his hand upon the golden saddle.(一切都很顺利,马夫把手放在金马鞍上,正躺着打呼噜。)
Why don't we saddle a couple of horses and go for a ride?(为什么我们不给几匹马配上鞍骑着转转?)
Three weeks after the accident he was back in the saddle.(出事后三个星期,他就又骑上马了。)
There are also the costs of the saddle, bridle, blankets, boots and brushes to get started.(还有马鞍、笼头、毯子、靴子和刷子的费用才能开始。)
Rememeber you just learned to ride side-saddle.(你刚学会骑侧鞍呢。)
Bronc riding, both saddle and bareback, causes the deaths of many rodeo horses.(骑野马项目,不管是有鞍还是无鞍的,都会导致许多马匹的死亡。)
All three emerge from a tripedal base architects call the saddle.(这三座塔共用一个被称作马鞍的地基。)
In three-dimensions, it could even be a saddle point.(在三维空间中,它甚至可以是一个鞍点。)
It looks like a saddle.(它看起来像一个马鞍。)
I'll be here next Thursday, 'she cried, springing to the saddle.(“下星期四我到这儿来,”她喊,跳上了马鞍。)
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