However, the subject might also be a chimpanzee learning to use symbols to communicate, a white rat navigating a maze, or a sea slug responding to a danger signal.(然而,其主题也可以是学习使用符号进行交流的黑腥腥、在迷宫中航行的白鼠或是一只对危险信号做出反应的海参。)
There are over 3,000 known species of these colorful sea slug relatives and new ones are discovered nearly every day.(已知的彩色海参类动物超过了3000多种,而且几乎每一天就可以发现一些新品种。)
Hence, an isolated piece of tissue removed from an organism-for example, the eye of a sea slug-will maintain its own daily rhythm but will quickly adopt that of the whole organism when restored to it.(因此,一个被隔离的组织的一部分被从一个集体中移走—例如,海蛤蝓的眼睛—组织还会保持它自己的日常节奏但是当恢复到整个集体中时会采用机体的节奏。)
Once the sea slug has eaten enough algae, and gained enough plastids, it can live off just sunlight for up to nine months.(一旦海蛤蝓吃饱了海藻,储备够了叶绿体,它能仅仅靠阳光就能生活最多9个月。)
And so far, this green sea slug is the only known animal that can be truly considered solar-powered, although some animals do exhibit some plant-like behaviors.(到目前为止,这种绿色的海参是唯一一种真正被认为是太阳能驱动的动物,尽管有些动物确实表现出一些植物般的行为。)
They think that it could be a huge, unknown kind of sea slug.(他们认为“尼西”可能是一种庞大的、还不为人类所知的海蛞蝓。)
This is a solar-powered sea slug.(这是太阳能海蛞蝓。)
So a sea slug could shape its body into the one, two, three or more humps that different people say they have seen.(因此,像不同的人所说的那样,海蛞蝓也应该能将它的身体形成一个、二个、三个或更多个的驼峰形隆肉形式。)
But one kind of lowly sea slug actually has the solar power abilities of a plant. Bizarre but true, the sea slug carries out photosynthesis.(但是,一种不起眼的海蛤蝓竟然拥有植物那样利用太阳能的本领。)
I learned years later that it was in fact a type of Nudibranch, or sea slug.(几年后,我才知道,事实上,它是一种裸鳃类动物,或者说它是一种海蛞蝓。)
sea-slug是什么意思 sea-slug在线翻译 sea-slug什么意思 sea-slug的意思 sea-slug的翻译 sea-slug的解释 sea-slug的发音 sea-slug的同义词