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副词: seasonally 名词: seasonality

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1. a worker who finds employment only in certain seasons

Synonym: seasonal worker


1. occurring at or dependent on a particular season

e.g. seasonal labor
a seasonal rise in unemployment

1. 季节的;季节性的;随季节变化的
A seasonal factor, event, or change occurs during one particular time of the year.

e.g. ...blaming seasonal factors for the unemployment increase in the west...
e.g. Seasonal variations need to be taken into account.

The seasonally adjusted unemployment figures show a rise of twelve-hundred.
受季节影响,失业人数增加了 1,200 人。

1. 季節:规定了根据季节(seasonal)类别定义的机动车汽油和柴油燃料的标准. 列出了根据技术法规制定的要求实施标准的清单. 内容描述:这八项关于不同类型的测量仪器的条例将瑞士法律与新的欧共体关于测量仪器(MID)的指令2004/22/EC协调一致.

2. 季节性:过敏性鼻炎分为季节性(seasonal)及常年性(perenial)鼻炎二种,季节性患者通常会有较会有较明显的眼睛症状,如流眼泪及结膜分泌物,常年性则有鼻部症状(如鼻塞)其特征有用口呼吸、打鼾、嗅觉丧失、咳嗽、头痛、听力减退及口臭.

3. 季节的:44) seasonable 及时的 | seasonal 季节的 | 45) spiritual 精神的

4. 季节性的:searching n.搜索 | seasonal 季节性的 | second n.秒,第二的

  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.seasonal

Our café offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials.

我们的咖啡馆提供全套完整的午餐和小吃可供选择, 还有季节性特色菜。


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These early ancestors of modern Eurasians disperse into parts of the world that had more seasonal sunshine and much lower levels of sun radiation.(这些现代欧亚混血儿的早期祖先分散到世界各地,那里有更多的季节性日照和更低水平的太阳辐射。)
"It's a very seasonal place," Hedges said.(“这是一个季节性很强的地方,”赫奇斯说。)
Most seasonal hiring is done in early October.(多数季节性招聘是在10月初进行。)
IT HAS become a seasonal blood sport.(这都变成一场季度性的血腥运动了。)
One opinion is that the paintings were a record of seasonal migrations made by herds.(一种观点认为,这些画是兽群季节性迁徙的记录。)
The figures aren't adjusted for seasonal variations.(这些数字未作季节性变化调整。)
The food bars were offering a seasonal mince pie, which has never before happened in the history of half-time snackery.(食品吧提供了季节性的碎肉馅饼,这在半日制小吃店的历史上从未发生过。)
Extreme changes in daily and seasonal climates preceded the retreat of the seas back into the major ocean basins.(在海洋退回到主要的海洋盆地之前,每日天气和季节性气候发生了剧烈的变化。)
Then she read about seasonal affective disorder, a form of depression that occurs in fall and winter, and she saw the light—literally.(然后她读了关于季节性情感障碍的书,这是一种发生在秋天和冬天的抑郁症;而她真的看到了光。)
Generally, the reason for such seasonal back-and-forth movement is to seek resources that aren't available within a single area year-round.(一般来说,进行这种季节性往返迁移是为了寻找在一个地区无法全年获得的资源。)
seasonal是什么意思 seasonal在线翻译 seasonal什么意思 seasonal的意思 seasonal的翻译 seasonal的解释 seasonal的发音 seasonal的同义词