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更新时间:2025-03-10 19:51:50


英 [ˌselfrɪˈspekt]

美 [ˌsɛlfrɪˈspɛkt]


形容词: self-respecting

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1. the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect

e.g. it was beneath his dignity to cheat
showed his true dignity when under pressure

Synonym: dignityself-regardself-worth

1. 自尊(心)
Self-respect is a feeling of confidence and pride in your own ability and worth.

e.g. They have lost not only their jobs, but their homes, their self-respect and even their reason for living.

Perhaps the biggest benefit has been the battered nation's rise in self-respect.(最大的收益可能是自这衰落的国家重新赢回了自尊。)
I sobbed: I was beyond regarding self-respect, weighed down by fatigue and wretchedness.(我抽泣着,我已经顾不得自尊心了,我的自尊心已经被疲劳和狼狈压倒了。)
Finally, she addresses self-respect and the notion that a person's sense of beauty must include more than how much a person weighs.(最后,她谈到了自尊以及一个人的审美观一定不局限于体重的概念。)
This will communicate that you care about your appearance and that you have self-respect.(这会传达出这样的信息:你注重自己的外表,并且你自尊自重。)
Mr. Chen said his employees have gained self-respect and self-sufficiency.(主题公园的陈老板说他雇的这些侏儒全都渐渐获得了自尊和自我满足。)
When we say respect others, we mean not to hurt others' self-respect.(当我们说到要尊重他人的时候,我们指的是不要伤害到别人的自尊心。)
A man can smell, from a mile away, a woman who is lacking in self-respect.(男人从一英里外就能嗅到不自重的女人。)
"I try to convey that beauty is about self-respect, not about impossible ideals," she says.(“我尝试着表达美丽和自尊息息相关,而不是那些个遥不可及的梦想。”她说道。)
You're contemplating an affair, secrets, the breaking of trust, disloyalty. Where does that leave your self-respect?(你在考虑展开一段秘密的外遇,这将破坏夫妻间的信任和忠诚,如果那样的话你又将你的自我尊重置于何地呢?)
Self respect means we have an inner confidence and inner assurance, but this is not a confidence built on superiority.(自我尊重就是我们有着内在的自信和内在的保证,但这并不是建立在自私自利基础上的。)
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