英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [streɪt]

美 [stret]



副词: straitly 名词: straitness

  • 详情解释

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  • 困境,危难,(境况)窘迫,穷困,艰难,苦境,艰苦,进退两难
  • 海峡,峡
  • 地峡
  • 水道
  • 【解】口
  • 狭窄的通道,狭口
  • 困难的,窘迫的,艰难的,穷困的
  • 狭窄的,狭,窄,紧的,窄小的,狭隘的
  • 苦恼的
  • 【圣经】严格的,严厉的,严密的
  • 严格地,严厉地,严密地
  • (使)变紧
  • [C] 海峡 channel of water connecting two seas
  • [P] 窘迫,困难,艰苦 trouble;difficulty


1. a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water

Synonym: sound

2. a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs

Synonym: passstraits


1. narrow

e.g. strait is the gate

1. 海峡;(连接两大海域的)水道
You can refer to a narrow strip of sea which joins two large areas of sea as a strait or the straits .

e.g. An estimated 1600 vessels pass through the strait annually.
估计每年有 1,600 艘船通过该海峡。
e.g. ...the Straits of Gibraltar.

2. (通常指因缺钱造成的)困境,窘迫
If someone is in dire or desperate straits, they are in a very difficult situation, usually because they do not have much money.


e.g. If we had a child, we'd be in really dire straits...
e.g. The company's closure has left many small businessmen in desperate financial straits.

1. 海峡:六大海峡(Strait)和两大运河(Canal). 2. 四大航区(Shipping Area)又称为四大洋航区. 3. 海港.(Port) 附录一二. 国际铁路运输. (P427-428) 1. 铁路轨距类型.(三十多种中的主要三种,即: 标准轨/宽轨/窄轨) 2. 大陆桥运输.(三条主要的大陆桥)

2. 开门见山,直来直去:Sentence pattern: 句型要尽量多样化. | Strait: 开门见山,直来直去. | Style: 文体恰切,适合内容要求.

3. 海峡,<<时注意的>>-台湾海峡时刻注意的:strain-拉<>拉是拽 | strait-海峡,<>-台湾海峡时刻注意的 | pang-剧痛,<>剧痛盘成一团

4. 海峡;通道;狭窄的:strainometer 应变计 | strait 海峡;通道;狭窄的 | strake 洗矿槽;轮箍;条纹;侧板

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The Bering Strait separates Asia and America .
  • Now that father's lost his job,we're in dire straits.
  • The Rilkes were in dire financial straits.

    出自:J. F. Hendry
  • There was always room at Cheyne Walk for a fellow artist in straits.

    出自:G. Daly
  • The..pasture grounds were too strait for the numbers crowded into them.

    出自:J. A. Froude
From this evidence it was deduced that there had been three major waves of migration across the Bering Strait.(从这个证据可以推断,横跨白令海峡的大型移民潮曾经有过三次。)
It takes about seven hours across the Strait of Dover.(横渡多佛海峡需要7个小时左右。)
This small free trade market in Xiamen city, is a major place for cross strait sales exchanges.(厦门这个小自由贸易市场是两岸销售交易的一个主要场所。)
"Try sticking a walnut in your mouth and then biting on it. It's not so easy," Strait says.(“尝试把一颗核桃塞进嘴里,然后咬一咬。咬碎没那么容易,”斯特雷特说。)
An estimated 1,600 vessels pass through the strait annually.(估计每年有1600艘船经过这个海峡。)
The idea for a bridge across the strait had been around for many years.(建一座跨海峡大桥的想法已经有很多年了。)
We will transit the strait at night.(我们将在夜间通过那个海峡。)
Singapore seems to have gone from strait-laced container port to gambling mecca in one bound.(新加坡似乎已从一个传统的集装箱港口城市一跃成为了赌徒们的圣地。)
A cargo ship plies the Strait of Georgia off Vancouver, British Columbia.(一艘货船驶离不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华,正在行驶在格鲁吉亚海峡中。)
Indeed, Washington's mistake is in not taking a clear side in the cross-Strait dispute.(事实上,华盛顿方面反得的最大的错误在于在两岸争端中没有一个明确的态度。)
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