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英 [ˈsemisɜ:kl]

美 [ˈsemisɜ:rkl]


形容词: semicircular

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  • 半圆
  • 半圆形
  • 半圆弧
  • 半圆形体
  • 半圆弧线
  • 半圆形的周长
  • 半圆形的东西
  • 半圆物



1. a plane figure with the shape of half a circle

Synonym: hemicycle


1. 半圆:∠angle 角 | ⌒semicircle 半圆 | ⊙circle 圆

2. semicircle在线翻译

2. 半圆形:八角形Octagon | 三角形Triangle | 半圆形Semicircle

3. 半圆、半圆形体:半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapping head | 半圆、半圆形体 semicircle | 半圆形导体 semicircular conductor


4. 气旋半圆:semicircle 半圆 | semicircle 气旋半圆 | semicircular 半圆形的

Cut the circular cake in half and set each semicircle against adjoining sides of the square to form the top of the heart.(把圆形蛋糕切成两半,把每个半圆放在正方形的两边,形成心形的顶部。)
But when the sun, the South there is a semicircle.(可是艳阳的时候,南方出现了一个半圆形。)
Then it turned in a semicircle, ran straight again.(然后它转半个圈,再沿直线跑。)
The steam was shut off, and the Abraham Lincoln, beating to port, described a semicircle.(汽门立刻被关掉了,林肯号从左舷转了一百八十度。)
Result shows that the trunk was short and the canopy shaped as the natural semicircle.(结果表明,主干较矮,树冠为自然半圆头形,冠幅略大于冠厚。)
With the blocking idea, the watermark is embedded into the Fourier semicircle region.(该算法基于分块思想将水印嵌入到傅立叶频域的半圆形区域。)
We sat in a semicircle facing the teacher.(我们面对着老师坐成半圆形。)
We sat in a semicircle round the fire.(我们坐在炉火前,围成一个半圆形。)
She found that people were gathering around her in a semicircle as she read.(她发现在她阅读的时候人们以半原形状围在她周围。)
It's called the Ring of Fire, a semicircle of violently shifting plates and volcanoes that runs along the edges of the Pacific Ocean.(这里被称为火圈带,一个由剧烈移动的板块和火山组成的半圆形区域,分布在太平洋沿岸。)
semicircle是什么意思 semicircle在线翻译 semicircle什么意思 semicircle的意思 semicircle的翻译 semicircle的解释 semicircle的发音 semicircle的同义词