英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:55:18



英 [ˈsɪəriəl]

美 [ˈsɪriəl]



副词: serially

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  • 连载小说,杂志连载小说
  • 电视连续剧,连续电视
  • 期刊,定期刊物, 连续出版物
  • 一个部分
  • 连续影片,连本影片
  • 连续广播,广播连续剧
  • 【军】行军梯队
  • 军籍
  • 序列
  • 串列
  • 连续的
  • 连载的
  • 一连串的, 一系列的
  • 分期偿还的
  • 分期刊载的, 连续刊行的
  • 按期出版的
  • 连续广播的
  • 【音】序列的,音列的
  • 【计】中行的
  • 串联的
  • 顺序排列的, 排成系列的
  • 多次的
  • 连续的,一系列的 of,in or forming a series
  • 连续刊登或播出的 (of a story,etc.) appearing in parts in a periodical,etc. or on TV or radio
  • [C] 连载小说,电视连续剧 story appearing in parts once weekly,monthly, etc.


1. a periodical that appears at scheduled times

Synonym: seriesserial publication

2. a serialized set of programs

e.g. a comedy series
the Masterworks concert series

Synonym: series


1. in regular succession without gaps

e.g. serial concerts

Synonym: consecutivesequentsequentialsuccessive

2. of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations

e.g. serial processing

Synonym: in series(p)nonparallel

3. pertaining to or occurring in or producing a series

e.g. serial monogamy
serial killing
a serial killer
serial publication

4. pertaining to or composed in serial technique

e.g. serial music

1. (电视或广播的)连续剧;(报纸或杂志上的)连载小说
A serial is a story which is broadcast on television or radio or is published in a magazine or newspaper in a number of parts over a period of time.

e.g. ...one of BBC television's most popular serials, Eastenders...
e.g. Maupin's novels have all appeared originally as serials.

2. 连续的;连环的
Serial killings or attacks are a series of killings or attacks committed by the same person. This person is known as a serial killer or attacker.


e.g. ...serial murders...
e.g. The serial killer claimed to have killed 400 people.
那名连环杀手声称已经杀了 400 人。

Take care not to confuse serial and series
注意不要混淆 serial 和 series。

1. 续集电影:续集电影 (SERIAL) 1912年至1920年间风行之电影风格,每一集人物、地点连贯,大都为好人与恶人相斗,总在最后一刻结局揭晓前喊停,观众必须继续看下回才知结局.

2. serial的近义词

2. 串口:在路由器的广域网连接中,应用最多的端口还要算"高速同步串口"(SERIAL)了,这种端口主要是用于连接目前应用非常广泛的DDN、帧中继(Frame Relay)、X.25、PSTN(模拟电话线路)等网络连接模式.

3. 序列:及资料使用的字元集 (CHARACTER SET).电子邮件 (E-MAIL) 程式使用 MIME 来定义传送的附加档案为文字, 影像, 声音或其他格式.ANSI 的高频宽 (BANDWIDTH) 光纤 (FIBER-OPTICS) 序列 (SERIAL) 资料传输标准, 使用在高容量的高速储存体传输资料用,

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The cards were placed in serial order.
  • It is a serial story.
  • A new serial is starting on television tonight.
  • A criminal psychiatrist..is snared in a web of deceit with a handsome stranger..and a serial rapist.

    出自:Entertainment Weekly
  • We profiled a white male because serial homicides are rarely interracial.

    出自:Icon Thoughtstyle
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Host IDs can be disk serial Numbers or MAC addresses.(主机ID可以是磁盘序列号或者mac地址。)
Indian police have found a large cache of plastic explosives in Bombay, the type used in last month's serial bombings that killed more than 300 people.(印度警方在孟买发现了大量塑料炸药,上个月造成300多人死亡的系列爆炸袭击就是使用了这种炸药。)
Deckert did leave the serial in 1997.(德克特确实在1997年离开了丛刊。)
- as the serial number.(作为美钞印刷的序列号。)
It constructs a kind of pallel sorting algorithm bitonic sorting net, taking advantage of dichotomy ideas and bitonic serial.(这使用了二分法思想,利用双调序列,构造出了一种并行的排序算法:双调排序网络。)
But today's Federal Reserve is no serial killer.(不过今天联储不再是连环杀手。)
This is an alternative to using a serial connection.(这种方法是串行连接的一种替代方法。)
We got rid of serial and parallel ports.(我们抛弃了串口和并口。)
Another way to invoke KDB is through the serial console.(调用KDB的另一种方式是通过串行控制台。)
Parallel backup is more efficient than serial backup.(并行备份比串行备份更高效。)
serial是什么意思 serial在线翻译 serial什么意思 serial的意思 serial的翻译 serial的解释 serial的发音 serial的同义词