英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:55:39



英 [ˈsɜ:pənt]

美 [ˈsɜ:rpənt]



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1. limbless scaly elongate reptile
some are venomous

Synonym: snakeophidian

2. an obsolete bass cornet
resembles a snake

3. a firework that moves in serpentine manner when ignited

A serpent is a snake.


e.g. ...the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

1. serpent

1. 毒蛇:目前公司已代理诸多国际知名品牌的产品:如德国徕卡(Leica)显微镜系列、美国毒蛇(Serpent)现场搜索灯系列、美国旋风(Vortex)系列光源、夜视仪、无线取证、防弹衣等.

2. 大蛇:某日他的妻子Eurydice被大蛇(serpent)所杀,於是Orpheus前去见冥神Hades. 虽然Hades终於被他的音乐所感动,同意他带走Eurydice. 不过条件是,在他们两人离开冥界之前,他绝对不能看Eurydice的面容.

3. serpent在线翻译

3. 蛇形号:大号的前身是蛇形号(Serpent)和奥菲克莱德号(Ophicleide),它们的发音原理与木管乐器相像,由启闭管侧的音孔来缩短或延长空气柱的长度改变音高,其音响有力,但比较粗犷,与一般的铜管乐器音响不致.

  • 经典引文

  • Mr. Charlton's collection of spiders, birds, scorpions, and other serpents.

Would that I were wiser! Would that I were wise from the very heart, like my serpent!(让我更聪明些吧,让我像我的大蛇那样,从内心聪明起来吧!)
Then she saw it was the long flat head of a serpent, and the recollection of the prophecy rushed into her mind.(然后她看到一个又长又扁的蛇头,预言一下子从她的记忆中跳出来。)
The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden(女人对蛇说:“园中树上的果子,我们可以吃)
Those who give you a serpent when you ask for a fish, may have nothing but serpents to give.(那些当你要一条鱼的时候却给你一条蛇的人,可能除了给蛇之外没别的可给了。)
"They just said, get up there and make some trouble, " said the serpent, whose name was Crawly, although he was thinking of changing it now.(“他们只是说,上去找点麻烦。"蛇说道,这条蛇名叫Crawly,不过他现在琢磨着改个名字。)
A black serpent, draped overher hand.(听诊器垂挂在她手中,就像一条黑色的大蛇。)
It shows a Serpent!(它展示出一条海蛇!)
The Serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit.(那条毒蛇诱使夏娃摘取禁果。)
When Eve came near the tree one day, the serpent called her. He gave her an apple and said, "Here. Take this apple and eat it."(一天,夏娃来到树旁,那条蛇叫她。他给了她一个苹果,说:“给你。把这个苹果拿去吃吧。”)
You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.(你要踹在狮子和虺蛇的身上,践踏少壮狮子和大蛇。)
serpent是什么意思 serpent在线翻译 serpent什么意思 serpent的意思 serpent的翻译 serpent的解释 serpent的发音 serpent的同义词