英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [stu:l]

美 [stul]



过去式: stooled 过去分词: stooled 现在分词: stooling 第三人称单数: stools

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  • 凳子
  • 搁脚凳
  • 马桶,便桶,厕所
  • 粪便,大便
  • 解大便,通便
  • (诱捕鸟用的)鸟媒,囮子
  • 酋长的座位
  • 座位,席位
  • (压纸条的)母株,根株
  • 根生嫩苗
  • (用来引诱活鸟的)假鸽子,假鸟
  • 【建】内窗台
  • 长新芽,分蘖
  • 作囮,充当囮,作鸽子,当密探
  • 去解大溲
  • 用鸽子诱捕,引诱
  • [C] 凳子 a seat without a supporting part for the back or arms


1. a simple seat without a back or arms

2. a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination

Synonym: toiletcancommodecrapperpotpottythrone

3. (forestry) the stump of a tree that has been felled or headed for the production of saplings

4. solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels

Synonym: fecal matterfaecal matterfecesfaecesBMorduredejection


1. have a bowel movement

e.g. The dog had made in the flower beds

Synonym: defecateshittake a shittake a crapca-cacrapmake

2. grow shoots in the form of stools or tillers

Synonym: tiller

3. react to a decoy, of wildfowl

4. lure with a stool, as of wild fowl

1. 凳子
A stool is a seat with legs but no support for your arms or back.

e.g. O'Brien sat on a bar stool and leaned his elbows on the counter.

2. 两头落空;鸡飞蛋打
If someone has fallen between two stools, they are unable to decide which of two courses of action to take and as a result they have not done either of them successfully.

3. 大便;粪便
Stools are the pieces of solid waste matter that are passed out of a person's body through their bowels.


1. 便:Rotaviruses能在绒毛细胞的细胞质中复制与增殖,而被破坏的细胞可能剥落至肠道管腔,并且释放出大量病毒,所以粪便(stool)中会出现具感染性的病毒颗粒. Rotaviruses检验试剂组(kits)包括有稀释液(dilute solution)、滴管(dropper)、搅拌木棒以及试验反应盘.


2. 糞便:Rotaviruses能在绒毛细胞的细胞质中复制与增殖,而被破坏的细胞可能剥落至肠道管腔,并且释放出大量病毒,所以粪便(stool)中会出现具感染性的病毒颗粒. Rotaviruses检验试剂组(kits)包括有稀释液(dilute solution)、滴管(dropper)、搅拌木棒以及试验反应盘.

  • 常用例句

  • The stool is steady enough.
  • He perched on a tall stool by the bar.
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

O'Brien sat on a bar stool and leaned his elbows on the counter.(奥布赖恩坐在酒吧凳上,肘部依在柜台上。)
The stool had a torn, red plastic seat.(这条无靠背凳子有一个破了的、红色的塑料坐部。)
Simply place your bike into the PIT IN table and use it as a stool. Now you can take a coffee break or check e-mails on your laptop.(只要将你的自行车停在嵌入式桌子中,并把自行车作为凳子,这样你就能享受你的咖啡时间或是用笔记本查查邮件。)
Sebastian got a stool for Heidi, for the window-sill was too high for her to see over.(塞巴斯蒂安给海蒂搬了张凳子,因为窗台太高,她看不见对面。)
Be there any blood or mucus in your stool?(你的大便里有血或粘液吗?)
Then sitting down on a three-legged stool, he kindled a bright fire.(然后他坐在一张三脚椅上,吹亮了火苗。)
He gave a puzzled glance at the little girl sitting on the large stool.(他疑惑地暼了一眼坐在大凳子上的小女孩。)
He hitched himself onto the bar stool.(他一跃坐到了酒吧间的高凳上。)
The first said, "Who has been sitting on my stool?"(第一个说:“谁坐过我的凳子?”)
He hooked his foot under the stool and dragged it over.(他用脚从底下钩住凳子,把它拖了过去。)
stool是什么意思 stool在线翻译 stool什么意思 stool的意思 stool的翻译 stool的解释 stool的发音 stool的同义词