英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 17:53:17


英 [ˈʃɪlɪŋ]

美 [ˈʃɪlɪŋ]



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1. an English coin worth one twentieth of a pound

2. a former monetary unit in Great Britain

Synonym: British shillingbob

3. the basic unit of money in Kenya
equal to 100 cents

Synonym: Kenyan shilling

4. the basic unit of money in Somalia
equal to 100 cents

Synonym: Somalian shilling

5. the basic unit of money in Tanzania
equal to 100 cents

Synonym: Tanzanian shilling

6. the basic unit of money in Uganda
equal to 100 cents

Synonym: Ugandan shilling

1. 先令(1971 年以前英国的货币单位,1先令值 5 便士,20 先令合1英镑)
A shilling was a unit of money used in Britain until 1971 which was the equivalent of 5p. There were twenty shillings in a pound.

1. shilling的反义词

1. (肯尼亚)先令:一美元约是73肯尼亚先令(shilling). 这么便宜的房钱,那地方会好吗?可我也没有其他的选择. 答应下来了. 她要了车,还跟我一起回旅馆,在路上,她是千叮万嘱,这里很不安全的,晚上千万不要一个人出门.

2. shilling的翻译

2. 先令(坦桑尼亚等):schilling 先令(奥地利) | shilling 先令(坦桑尼亚等) | sol 索尔(秘鲁)

3. shilling的解释

3. (坦桑尼亚)先令:Kenya(肯尼亚) | shilling(坦桑尼亚)先令 | shilling(乌干达)先令

  • 经典引文

  • Not..one shilling more than the expenses really incurred.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Instead Mr Shilling thinks that investors should own long-dated Treasury bonds.(相反,Shilling先生认为投资者应持有长期国债。)
Spiralling food costs and the diving value of the Somali shilling have made things worse.(不断增长的食物成本与索马里先令的大幅贬值还会让情形变得更加恶化。)
Mrs. Medlock said I was to have a shilling a week to spend.(梅德洛克太太说我每星期有一先令可以花。)
In the old days you could get a pint of beer for a shilling.(从前,花一先令就可以买到一品脱啤酒。)
Are you quite sure it was this grating the shilling was lost down?(你敢肯定那个先令是从这个格栅掉下去的吗?)
And one shilling threepence change.(我找您一先令三便士。)
There's twelve of us an' my father only gets sixteen shilling a week.(我们家有十二口人,我父亲一星期只挣十六先令。)
The prominent coin was called the shilling and it was a silver coin.(那种著名的硬币名叫先令,并且它是一种银质的硬币。)
His father cut her off without a shilling when she refused to obey him.(她拒不听命于她的父亲,结果她父亲在遗嘱中连一个子儿也没留给她。)
I never borrowed a shilling in my life.(我一辈子没该过谁一先令。)
shilling是什么意思 shilling在线翻译 shilling什么意思 shilling的意思 shilling的翻译 shilling的解释 shilling的发音 shilling的同义词