英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ʃɒt]

美 [ʃɑ:t]



过去式: shotted 过去分词: shotted 现在分词: shotting 第三人称单数: shots

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  • 注射
  • 炮弹,弹丸
  • 射程
  • 镜头
  • 猜测
  • 一口
  • 投篮
  • 一击
  • 尝试
  • 拍摄
  • 【体】射门
  • 射(击)手
  • 【体】铅球
  • 照片
  • 一小杯
  • 枪声
  • 摆脱了的
  • 打出去的
  • 被射中的
  • 结束了的
  • 织成杂色的
  • 发了芽的
  • 精疲力尽的
  • 坏得不能再使用的,用坏的,破旧的
  • 注定要失败的
  • 【纺】杂色的
  • 闪光的
  • 色彩幻变的
  • 喝醉了的
  • 动词shoot的过去式和过去分词
  • 给…装弹,装弹药
  • 尝试,试图
  • 装沙子
  • 石子摇洗
  • 用铁锤吊着使沉下
  • 加铅粒使沉重
  • 使成颗粒
  • 飞快地开
  • 浪费
  • 向...投去
  • 引起
  • [C] 射击,发射,枪炮声 act of shooting a gun, etc.; sound of this
  • [C] 击球,踢,投篮 stroke in tennis, billiards, etc. or kick in football
  • [C] 射手,枪手,炮手 person with regard to his skill in shooting a gun, etc.
  • [C] 弹丸 nonexplosive metal in the form of cannon balls in former times
  • [C] 镜头,连续镜头; 景 photograph or scene photographed; single continous film sequence photographed by one camera
  • [C] 太空船或火箭之发射 sending up of a space vehicle or rocket
  • [C] 皮下注射 injection of a drug, etc. with a hypodermic needle
  • [C] 试图,设法 attempting to do sth; trying
  • [C] 少量酒 small amount of whisky, gin, etc.
  • [P] 摆脱…的,结束…的 getting rid of; finished with
  • 颜色闪变的 woven or dyed so as to show different colours when look at from different angles
  • [P] 用旧的,耗尽的 worn out; used up


1. the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified destination

Synonym: blastoff

2. the act of firing a projectile

e.g. his shooting was slow but accurate

Synonym: shooting

3. (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand

e.g. it took two strokes to get out of the bunker
a good shot requires good balance and tempo
he left me an almost impossible shot

Synonym: stroke

4. the act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe

e.g. the nurse gave him a flu shot

Synonym: injection

5. informal words for any attempt or effort

e.g. he gave it his best shot
he took a stab at forecasting

Synonym: stab

6. an attempt to score in a game

7. a blow hard enough to cause injury

e.g. he is still recovering from a shot to his leg
I caught him with a solid shot to the chin

8. a solid missile discharged from a firearm

e.g. the shot buzzed past his ear

Synonym: pellet

9. an explosive charge used in blasting

10. sports equipment consisting of a heavy metal ball used in the shot put

e.g. he trained at putting the shot

11. an informal photograph
usually made with a small hand-held camera

e.g. my snapshots haven't been developed yet
he tried to get unposed shots of his friends

Synonym: snapshotsnap

12. an estimate based on little or no information

Synonym: guessguessworkguessingdead reckoning

13. a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film

Synonym: scene

14. an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect

e.g. his parting shot was `drop dead'
she threw shafts of sarcasm
she takes a dig at me every chance she gets

Synonym: shaftslamdigbarbjibegibe

15. a person who shoots (usually with respect to their ability to shoot)

e.g. he is a crack shot
a poor shooter

Synonym: shooter

16. a small drink of liquor

e.g. he poured a shot of whiskey

Synonym: nip

17. a chance to do something

e.g. he wanted a shot at the champion

Synonym: crack


1. varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles

e.g. changeable taffeta
chatoyant (or shot) silk
a dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent

Synonym: changeablechatoyantiridescent


2. 开枪;射击
A shot is an act of firing a gun.

e.g. He had murdered Perceval at point blank range with a single shot...
e.g. A man fired a volley of shots at them.

3. 射手;枪手
Someone who is a good shot can shoot well. Someone who is a bad shot cannot shoot well.


e.g. He was not a particularly good shot because of his eyesight.

4. 射门;击球;投篮
In sports such as football, golf, or tennis, a shot is an act of kicking, hitting, or throwing the ball, especially in an attempt to score a point.

e.g. He had only one shot at goal.

5. 一张照片;(电影的)一组镜头
A shot is a photograph or a particular sequence of pictures in a film.

e.g. ...a shot of a fox peering from the bushes...
e.g. He received praise for the atmospheric monochrome shots in David Lynch's The Elephant Man.

6. 尝试;努力
If you have a shot at something, you attempt to do it.

e.g. The heavyweight champion will be given a shot at Holyfield's world title.

7. (药品等的)注射
A shot of a drug is an injection of it.

e.g. He administered a shot of Nembutal.

8. 一口,一小杯(烈性酒)
A shot of a strong alcoholic drink is a small glass of it.

e.g. ...a shot of vodka.
e.g. ...spirits and liqueurs, served in a shot glass.

9. 尽最大努力
If you give something your best shot, you do it as well as you possibly can.

e.g. I don't expect to win. But I am going to give it my best shot.

10. 对…的警告
If you describe someone's actions as a shot across the bows of another person, you mean that it is a warning to that person to stop or change what they are doing.

e.g. As a warning shot across the bows of rivals, it is already setting aggressive prices.

11. 操纵;发号施令;作决定
The person who calls the shots is in a position to tell others what to do.

e.g. The directors call the shots and nothing happens without their say-so.

12. 立刻;飞快地;毫不迟疑地
If you do something like a shot, you do it without any delay or hesitation.

e.g. I heard the key turn in the front door and I was out of bed like a shot...
e.g. If he thought it his duty to arrest me, he'd do it like a shot.

13. 没把握的尝试;不大可能成功的尝试
If you describe something as a long shot, you mean that it is unlikely to succeed, but is worth trying.

e.g. The deal was a long shot, but Bagley had little to lose...
e.g. I thought about meeting a handsome stranger but it seemed a bit of a long shot.

14. (表示强调)根本,远远
People sometimes use the expression by a long shot to emphasize the opinion they are giving.


e.g. The missile-reduction treaty makes sweeping cuts, but the arms race isn't over by a long shot.

15. 布满,充满,富有(某种因素或特征)
If something is shot through with an element or feature, it contains a lot of that element or feature.

e.g. His work was deeply refreshing, and all of it shot through with humour...
e.g. This is an argument shot through with inconsistency.

16. a shot in the dark -> see dark

1. 景:镁光灯(flashlights)等场景元素.为了简化起见,我们只考虑两种主要的情况.第一种情况适合用在单纯的视景中.将视讯影片分成好几个视景(shot)是场景分析很重要的第一个步骤.一个视景(shot)是由摄影机的「录」一直到「停」所组成的.在每个视景中,

2. shot的意思

2. 投篮:他防守(play defense)也很棒. 训练的时候他阻挡(block)了10次投篮(shot). 这个孩子真是大有前途(go places). ...

3. 弹丸:最常见的霰弹内含名为弹丸(shot)的诸多铅丸或钢丸,而不像其它子弹那样只有一枚弹头. 猎枪弹丸由纸壳或塑料壳包裹,发射后与纸皮、塑料皮或兽皮分离. 一些猎枪采用铅块子弹而不是弹丸子弹. 定装式炮弹的制造方式与轻武器子弹类似,


4. shot:serious hazards of transfusion; 及英国严重输血意外

5. shot:special hybrid optical terminal; 特殊混合光终端

  • 常用短语

  • 相关词组

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    大人物,大亨 an important person; a wealthy man
    预测命中率 predict the rate of shooting

1. like a shot : 飞快地, 立刻;

  • The shot wounded his arm.
  • The shot missed him, but it was a close shave.
  • His shot went to the right of the goal.
  • We are out of cannon shot.
  • Our attention was arrested by the sound of a shot.
  • How many shots were fired?
  • The shots quickly drew the police.
  • I am doubtful whether I can solve the puzzle, but I'll have a shot at it.
  • After a few shots at guessing who did it,I gave up.
  • The hunter is an excellent shot.
  • I don't know how shot is made.
  • This is the shot of the politician making a speech.
  • I got some good shots of the carnival.
  • Please pass me a shot of whisky.
  • It's a five to one shot that she will find out.
  • I'm just shot.
  • My nerves are shot,I need a holiday.
  • This old machine is shot.
  • His chances are shot.
用作名词 (n.)
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • Several regiments..never..fired a shot.

  • They heard a shot.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • shot的基本意思是“射击,发射,枪炮声”,也可指“太空船或火箭的发射”,引申可表示“板球、网球、台球等中的击球”“足球中的踢”或“射手,枪手,炮手”,是可数名词。
  • shot也可作“试图,设法”“镜头,景”“皮下注射”解,是可数名词。
  • shot作“子弹,枪弹; 弹丸”解时,可用作可数名词,也可用作集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。
  • shot在口语里也可指威士忌、杜松子酒等的“少量”。
  • 在美国口语中, shot还可作“机会”解。
  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的scot,sceot;最初源自原始日耳曼语的skutan,意为射击。
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.shot

Through the first two games, her team did not get one serious shot on goal.

在前两场比赛中, 她的球队没有一次真正的射门得分。


She shot me a reproachful pout.(她作责备状地冲我噘了个嘴。)
The brakes on this car are shot.(这辆车上的刹车完全失灵了。)
He shot an arrow from his bow.(他张弓射了一箭。)
The Dragons had only one shot on goal.(龙队只有一次射门。)
She shot an angry glance at him.(她很生气,瞪了他一眼。)
She shot him a sideways glance.(她从眼角瞥了他一眼。)
He shot from just outside the area.(他就在禁区外边拔脚射门。)
A man was shot in the leg.(一个人被射中腿部。)
Peters had two deserters followed and shot.(彼得斯派人追赶并开枪打死了那两个逃兵。)
Someone took a shot at the car.(有人朝轿车开枪。)
shot是什么意思 shot在线翻译 shot什么意思 shot的意思 shot的翻译 shot的解释 shot的发音 shot的同义词