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更新时间:2025-03-10 20:06:06
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shut up的意思


1. cause to be quiet or not talk

e.g. Please silence the children in the church!

Synonym: hushquietensilencestillhush up

2. refuse to talk or stop talking
fall silent

e.g. The children shut up when their father approached

Synonym: close upclam updummy upbelt upbutton upbe quietkeep mum

3. place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape

e.g. The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend
She locked her jewels in the safe

Synonym: lock inlock awaylockput awayshut awaylock up

1. (使)住口;(使)闭嘴
If someone shuts up or if someone shuts them up, they stop talking. You can say 'shut up' as an impolite way to tell a person to stop talking.

shut up的意思

e.g. Just shut up, will you?...
e.g. I don't feel like shutting up; I think statements about injustice should be made...

1. 闭嘴:昨晚失眠重又看了一遍<>,要说情节实在是对让.雷诺的<>(SHUT UP)有太过彪捍的华丽丽的借鉴啊,然则YY程度却着实比后者前进了一大步(所以我华丽丽地原谅这样的借鉴了^_^).

2. 嘴:沙发上坐着个眼镜男,上中等身材,两条腿不停的晃. 老俞上来就问看得怎么样,Helen 作了个美国街头黑人闭嘴(shut up)的手势. 眼镜嘿嘿笑了. 老俞是Helen 新泽西州立大学的同窗,大名叫俞克,克只克他自己克不了别人.

3. 住口:show sb. around 带某人参观 | shut up 住口 | sit up 坐起来, 坐直

4. 使住口;闭嘴;禁闭;关在里面:shut down 关闭;停业 | shut up 使住口;闭嘴;禁闭;关在里面 | sit back 放松,休息

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That was when she really started running off at the mouth. I'll bet she hasn't shut up yet.(那就是她真正开始唠叨的时候。我敢说她还没闭嘴。)
When they'd finally shut up, I started again.(等他们最终住了嘴,我又重新开始讲。)
The difference is that the boss of the animal hunting and the head of nut gathering probably told them to "Shut up!" or "No survival for you!"(不同的是,狩猎的首领和采集坚果的首领可能会对他们说“闭嘴!”或者“你活不下来了!”)
Would you shut up, please! I'm having enough trouble with these children!(请住口!我和这帮孩子之间的麻烦已经够多了。)
Shut up! You're doing my head in.(闭嘴!你让我烦死了。)
Rather curiously they both snapped out the same remark, "Shut up!"(奇怪的是,他们都厉声说出了同样的话:“闭嘴!”)
You can shut up the women, but you don't kill them.(你可以把女人关起来,但不要杀她们。)
Did you whine until they just wanted you to shut up?(你是不是一直在抱怨直到他们让你闭嘴?)
So many places seem all shut up.(这么多地方似乎都关了门。)
The place has been shut up.(那地方已经封锁了。)
shut up是什么意思 shut up在线翻译 shut up什么意思 shut up的意思 shut up的翻译 shut up的解释 shut up的发音 shut up的同义词