英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 18:00:12



英 [ˈsɪgnətri]

美 [ˈsɪgnətɔ:ri]


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名词复数: signatories

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  • 签约国,签署国
  • 签名人,签字人
  • 签署者,签署方
  • 签署的
  • 签约的
  • 签过字的


1. someone who signs and is bound by a document

Synonym: signer

1. (正式文件的)签署人,签署方,签约国
The signatories of an official document are the people, organizations, or countries that have signed it.

e.g. Both countries are signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

1. 签约国:美国是签约国(signatory)但没有批准该议定书,但也没有退出(withdraw). 条约可以被看作是自动生效/自动执行的(self-executing),即只要加入就会导致义务生效(put in action). 但有些条约不是自动生效的(non-self-executing),


2. 签署人:在证书颁发时,证书中所载明的签署人(signatory)控制着签名生成数据; c. 在证书颁发之时或之前签名生成数据是有效的;d. 用于鉴别签署人身份的手段;e. 签名生成数据或证书使用的目的或价值方面的限制(如果认证机构意图作出这种限制的话

3. signatory什么意思

3. 签字人:signal generator calibrator 信号发生校准仪 | signatory 签字人 | signet 印,图章

4. 签约方:Global Economic Welfare 全球经济福利 | Signatory 签约方 | Contracting Party 缔约方

  • 经典引文

  • Considerable support among the six countries, signatories to the Treaty of Rome.

    出自:H. Macmillan
  • He was the sole signatory of a long..letter to the Yorkshire Post.

    出自:R. Berthoud
China is not the signatory member of this agreement.(中国目前尚不是该协议的签署国。)
Do the owners of the company have signatory right?(做公司的业主已签字的权利?)
Kenya, which as an ICC signatory is obliged to help arrest all court indictees, welcomed Sudan's leader to Nairobi, its capital, last year.(肯尼亚是一个国际刑事法院的签约国,有协助法院逮捕所有被起诉者的义务,但去年在其首都内罗毕迎接了苏丹领导人的来访。)
China is one of the earliest signatory states of CEDAW.(中国是《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的最早缔约国之一。)
Each Signatory shall act consistently with all provisions of the Convention and this Agreement.(各签字者应按公约和本协定的一切规定行事。)
Now, like serial New Year’s resolvers pledging to lose 10 pounds, signatory nations have to get on the scale.(如今,正如连续剧中新年下决心这发誓要减轻10磅一样,签字的国家必须达标。)
Russia, a signatory in 1997, already has used the treaty's legal authority to assert its rights to mineral riches on its continental shelf in the Arctic.(于1997年签署该条约的俄罗斯已经开始利用条约赋予的合法权力来主张其对自己部分北冰洋大陆架矿产资源的所有权。)
Prior parties refers to other debtors of an instrument who endorsed it prior to its endorsement by a specific signatory or bearer.(前手是指在票据签章人或者持票人之前签章的其他票据债务人。)
The Russian signatory to the deal, Yukos Oil Co., has fallen into disarray following the jailing of its chief shareholder on fraud charges.(签署该协议的俄罗斯yukos石油公司,因其股东受欺诈指控而被捕入狱后陷入了困顿。)
This Convention shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by the signatory States.(本公约将成为各签字国批准或接受的主题。)
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