英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈsekəndri]

美 [ˈsekənderi]



副词: secondarily 名词: secondariness 名词复数: secondaries

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  • 次要的,第二位的
  • 【医学】继发性的,第二期的
  • 从属的,副的
  • 辅助的,附属的
  • 第二的,第二次的
  • 【地质学】中世代的,次生的
  • 中级的,中等的,次等的
  • 合成的
  • 【语】次要的
  • 【语音】次重音的
  • 第二手的
  • 次要的东西
  • 副手,帮手,助手
  • 代理人;代表;被委任者
  • 【橄】第二防线
  • 次要人物
  • 【天】双星中较小较暗的一个;卫星
  • 副低气压
  • 【电】次级绕组
  • 【动】次级飞羽,腕羽,后翅
  • 二等品
  • 次要的,次等的 of less importance, value, etc. than what is primary
  • 中级的,第二的 coming after sth that is first or primary


1. coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coil

Synonym: secondary coilsecondary winding

2. the defensive football players who line up behind the linemen


1. belonging to a lower class or rank

2. not of major importance

e.g. played a secondary role in world events

3. being of second rank or importance or value
not direct or immediate

e.g. the stone will be hauled to a secondary crusher
a secondary source
a secondary issue
secondary streams

4. depending on or incidental to what is original or primary

e.g. a secondary infection

5. inferior in rank or status

e.g. the junior faculty
a lowly corporal
petty officialdom
a subordinate functionary

Synonym: junior-gradelower-rankinglowlypetty(a)subaltern

1. 第二位的;次要的;从属的
If you describe something as secondary, you mean that it is less important than something else.

e.g. The street erupted in a huge explosion, with secondary explosions in the adjoining buildings...
e.g. They argue that human rights considerations are now of only secondary importance...

2. (疾病、感染)继发性的,第二期的
Secondary diseases or infections happen as a result of another disease or infection that has already happened.

e.g. He had kidney cancer, with secondary tumours in the brain and lungs.

3. (教育)中等的,中学的
Secondary education is given to pupils between the ages of 11 or 12 and 17 or 18.

e.g. Examinations for the GCSE are taken after about five years of secondary education.

1. 次级:然后意见调查研究再分为个别(individual)和群体(group)等两种;实证研究分为个案(case)、实地(field)以及实验室(laboratory)等三种,档案研究细分为初级(primary)、次级(secondary)以及实物(physical)等三种,

2. 第二:在大多数人的电脑中是将硬盘和光驱分别接在第一(Primary)硬盘线和第二(Secondary)硬盘线上,用意是不想让速度馒的光驱影响速度快的硬盘. 因此我们在增加第二块硬盘时,同样可以按此思路将速度慢的硬盘当作从盘与光驱使用同一条硬盘线.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • It's a question of secondary importance.
  • Secondary school means junior school and high school.
  • The vowel that was distinctly pronounced loses under the secondary stress its clear character.

    出自:W. J. Sedgefield
  • The..marriage was viable because Aurelia accepted a secondary, wifely role.

    出自:Anne Stevenson
That is just a secondary consideration.(那只不过是次要的因素。)
The growing dominance of secondary earners among the unemployed and improved social welfare protection have unquestionably relieved the consequences of joblessness.(中等收入者在失业人群中的主导地位日益增强,加上社会福利保障的改善无疑缓解了失业带来的后果。)
When you are 11, you would move on to a secondary school.(当你十一岁时,你将进入中学。)
There was less bullying in secondary schools, with about one in twenty-five suffering persistent bullying, but these cases may be particularly recalcitrant.(中学里的霸凌现象较少,约有1/25的学生遭受持续的霸凌,但这些案例可能特别棘手。)
I went to a secondary school in South Town.(我去了南镇的一所中学上学。)
Amid a secondary school course, a student should be interested enough in a subject to enjoy gaining knowledge for its own sake.(在所有中学课程里,学生应该对某一学科有足够的兴趣,从而享受获取知识的乐趣。)
I claim with confidence that excellent knowledge of the subject being taught is secondary to the teacher ability to relate well with their students.(我有信心地宣称,跟教师与学生相处融洽的能力相比,老师教授学科的精湛知识是次要的。)
Experience is what matters—age is of secondary importance.(重要的是经验—年龄是次要的。)
Still, Krech attributes secondary if not primary responsibility for the extinctions to the Paleoindians, arguing that humans have produced local extinctions elsewhere.(克雷奇仍然认为古印度安人在灭绝上的责任即使不是主要的,也是次要的,他认为人类在其他地方造成了当地物种灭绝。)
A secondary group entails two or more people who are involved in an impersonal relationship and have come together for a specific, practical purpose.(第二群体指的是两个或两个以上的人,他们处于一种非个人的关系中,因一个特定的、实际的目的走到一起。)
secondary是什么意思 secondary在线翻译 secondary什么意思 secondary的意思 secondary的翻译 secondary的解释 secondary的发音 secondary的同义词