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更新时间:2025-03-24 21:51:21



英 [skʌŋk]

美 [skʌŋk]



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过去式: skunked 过去分词: skunked 现在分词: skunking 第三人称单数: skunks

  • 英英释义

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1. American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled
in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae

Synonym: polecatwood pussy

2. street names for marijuana

Synonym: potgrassgreen goddessdopeweedgagesesssenssmokelocoweedMary Jane

3. a defeat in a game where one side fails to score

Synonym: shutout

4. a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible

e.g. only a rotter would do that
kill the rat
throw the bum out
you cowardly little pukes!
the British call a contemptible person a `git'

Synonym: rotterdirty dogratstinkerstinkpotbumpukecrumblowlifescum bagso-and-sogit


1. defeat by a lurch

Synonym: lurch

1. 臭鼬
A skunk is a small black and white animal which releases an unpleasant smelling liquid if it is frightened or attacked. Skunks live in America.

2. 超劲大麻;强效大麻
Skunk is a type of powerful, strong-smelling marijuana.


1. 讨厌鬼:.以假名字<>(Skunk)被运进各大影院. .当拍摄开始的时候 有一个死在斯温尼.陶德手中的幽灵合唱<>(The Ballad of Sweeney Todd)的场景 除了前面提到的克里斯托弗.李 饰演幽灵的还包括安东尼.海德 但后来因为蒂姆.波顿觉得这些歌对于一部影片来说 太过戏剧化了 就给剪掉了

2. 臭鼬鼠:而蝙蝠、花栗鼠(chipmunk)、臭鼬鼠(skunk)、松鼠、兔子、骆马(llama)也曾被报告感染西尼罗病毒[4]. 在2002年,其它四种新的传染途径被确认及报告:包括(1)输血,(2)器官移植,(3)经由胎盘传给小孩,(4)经由哺乳传给小孩,

3. 鼬鼠:黄鼠 YELLOW SQUIRREL | 鼬鼠 SKUNK | 香(银)鼠 LASKA

  • 经典引文

  • I'm through with that skunk, I tell you.

    出自:N. West
  • She'll skunk Nell Duncan today, and win.

    出自:D. Delman
  • The uninformed angler will spend day after day getting skunked.

    出自:Field Stream
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

As a result, many are run over - half of all skunk deaths, in fact, are due to humans.(所以,很多臭鼬会跑过头,事实上,大约半数的臭鼬死亡是因为人类。)
BILL GATES seems to relish being the skunk at the garden party.(比尔·盖茨似乎成了游园会上的讨厌鬼。)
Skunk, a noxious liquid mixture of nontoxic ingredients including baking powder and yeast, is blasted onto protesters from a water cannon.(臭鼬,一种由发酵粉和酵母等无毒成分混合而成的有毒液体,从高压水枪喷到抗议者身上。)
A rat with a hat, on a trunk, with a skunk, in a house, with a mouse, and a panda in a blouse.(一只戴着帽子的老鼠,站在树干上,和一只臭鼬,在一座房子里,和一只小老鼠,还有一只穿着衬衫的熊猫。)
Mary felt sick when she realized she'd run over a skunk on the highway.(当玛丽知道自己在高速公路上撞死了臭鼬时,她觉得不舒服。)
Walk like a duck and stomp like a skunk.(走起来像只鸭子,跺起脚来像只鼬子。)
Tease a skunk in Minnesota, and they can haul you off to jail.(如果你在明尼苏达州戏弄臭鼬,你也可能会入狱。)
If your unconscious is saying don't take that job, go on that date, poke that skunk—take heed.(如果你的潜意识告诉你不要接受那份工作,那就在这天去戳穿它——注意了。)
Said the tube-rose to the skunk, "Oh, most noble swift runner, please run swiftly!"(月下香对鼬鼠说:"*銧,最高贵的快腿,请你快快跑开吧!")
But on the contrary, she is really a selfish skunk.(可恰恰相反,她其实是个自私的讨厌鬼。)
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