英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [sɪˈklu:d]

美 [sɪˈklud]


过去式: secluded 过去分词: secluded 现在分词: secluding 第三人称单数: secludes

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 使隐退,使隐居
  • (使)隔离,(使)隔绝,与世隔绝
  • 使孤立
  • 使分离
  • 闭门
  • 摆脱
  • 把…隐藏起来



1. keep away from others

e.g. He sequestered himself in his study to write a book

Synonym: sequestersequestratewithdraw

1. 使隔绝,使隔离:secede 脱离,退出 | seclude 使隔绝,使隔离 | secret 秘密,暗中的

2. 隔绝,隐退,隐秘:23 quarantine 隔离检疫 | 24 seclude 隔绝,隐退,隐秘 | 25 appeal 呼吁,恳求,上诉

3. 隔离:seated work space 坐姿工作空间 | seclude 隔离 | secluded 隐蔽的

4. 隔绝,隔离:reclusive 隐怼,幽寂的 | seclude 隔绝,隔离 | secluded 隔绝的

  • 经典引文

  • Women..live restricted and secluded in the palace.

    出自:M. Covarrubias
  • Shrubs inside the paling seclude the place from the street.

    出自:E. Bowen
  • Harold Robbins secludes himself in a suite in a Manhattan hotel.

    出自:A. Blond
She would seclude herself from the world forever.(她要永远摆脱这个世界。)
To find a quiet place to study, Bruce had to seclude himself in the attic.(布鲁斯不得不躲在阁楼上,才能安安静静地读书。)
Seclude the reading nook from other parts of the room if possible.(如果有可能的话,最好把读书角和房间其他空间分开。)
No one can seclude himself from the outside, or he could not survive.(没有人可以封闭自己,否则他就无法生存下去。)
Culture shock symptoms are really hard to seclude.(文化休克症状是真的很难隔绝。)
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