英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:16:51



英 [ˈslɪðə(r)]

美 [ˈslɪðɚ]


形容词: slithery 过去式: slithered 过去分词: slithered 现在分词: slithering 第三人称单数: slithers

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1. to pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly

e.g. They slid through the wicket in the big gate

Synonym: slide

1. (摇摇晃晃地)滑行,滑动
If you slither somewhere, you slide along in an uneven way.


e.g. Robert lost his footing and slithered down the bank.

2. (蛇等)蜿蜒而行
If an animal such as a snake slithers, it moves along in a curving way.

e.g. The snake slithered into the water.

1. slither

1. 不稳地滑动:slit 裂缝 | slither 不稳地滑动 | slithery 滑的

2. slither的意思

2. 蛇怪:Gushanna 古山那 一种民间祭奠活动 | Slither 蛇怪 | Trellis 特里里斯

3. 不稳地滑动/使滑动:slit /裂口/豁/ | slither /不稳地滑动/使滑动/ | slithery /滑的/滑溜的/

  • 经典引文

  • It came, in a glass, with cube sugar..and slithers of lemon.

    出自:Good Motoring
  • He slithered down a sheer snow slope.

    出自:D. H. Lawrence
More often than not, the rattlesnake will slither away in search of a less intimidating foe.(多数情况下,响尾蛇会爬开,去寻找不这么吓人的猎物。)
A titanic snake that snacked on crocodiles and was longer than a London bus has been identified as the top predator to walk, or at least slither, the land when the dinosaurs disappeared.(一种比伦敦公共汽车还要长,可以把鄂鱼当点心吃的巨大无比的蛇已经被确认为恐龙消失后的顶级肉食动物,他们在陆地行走,或者至少是滑行在陆地上。)
Tonya screamed when she saw a snake slither across the yard.(托雅看见有条蛇爬过院子时高声尖叫了起来。)
Tattoos of spiders and snakes slither along the mummy's arms.(木乃伊的手臂上纹有蜘蛛和蛇的图案。)
The elongated, serpentine body that allows land snakes to slither through dense grass also serves aquatic snakes in propelling through the water.(这种细长蜿蜒的身体能让陆地上的蛇在茂密的草丛中爬行,也能让水蛇在水中游动。)
A titanic snake has been identified as the top predator to walk, or at least slither, the land when the dinosaurs disappeared.(一条巨蟒,被认为是恐龙消失时在陆地上行走或至少滑行的顶级捕食者。)
What those early craftsmen had found by trial and error was that under pressure a pagoda's loose stack of floors could be made to slither to and fro independent of one another.("那些早期的工匠通过反复试验发现:在压力作用下,宝塔松散堆叠的楼层可以彼此独立地来回滑动。)
She flexed the muscles in her arm which made the snake slither.(她弯曲她的肌肉,手臂上的蛇随着肌肉而动了起来。)
There are ground-based robots, for example, designed to climb up and down piles of rubble and slither into otherwise inaccessible cracks to look for survivors.(比如说,地面机器人,被设计为能爬上爬下瓦砾堆以及进入人类难以进入的裂缝搜寻幸存者。)
The elongated, serpentine body that allows land snakes to slither through dense grass also serves aquatic snakes in propelling through water.(伸长的、蜿蜒的躯体可以使得陆生蛇类在浓密的草丛间滑动,也能使水生蛇类在水里游动自如。)
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