英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈsnɪkə(r)]

美 ['snɪkər]



副词: snickeringly 过去式: snickered 过去分词: snickered 现在分词: snickering 第三人称单数: snickers

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1. a disrespectful laugh

Synonym: snortsnigger


1. laugh quietly

Synonym: snigger

1. 窃笑;暗笑
If you snicker, you laugh quietly in a disrespectful way, for example at something rude or embarrassing.

e.g. We all snickered at Mrs. Swenson.

1. 窃笑:snatch 抢夺:迅速地、急切地或突然地握住或夺走 | snicker 窃笑 | venal 唯利是图的

2. snicker

2. 嘿嘿嘿..的对 窃笑:smooch 拥吻著 | snicker 嘿嘿嘿..的对 窃笑 | sniff 对 嗤之以鼻

3. 窃笑;窃笑着说:shout with laughter 大声笑 | snicker 窃笑;窃笑着说 | snort (讽刺地)高声大笑

4. 吃吃笑:nicker 吃吃笑 | snicker 吃吃笑 | gimp 跛行,瘸子

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

She almost smiled, but it turned into a snicker.(她几乎笑出来,却化做一丝窃笑。)
Even before I debuted, I used to snicker to myself imagining that I was the main character in a movie.(甚至在我出道前,我就常偷偷对自己笑,想像著自己是电影中的主角。)
Ultimately, I decided not to keep wearing the aforementioned hairpiece-it required constant maintenance, and if people knew I was wearing it, they'd probably snicker.(前面所说的那个假发套,因为要随时整理它,最后我还是决定不戴了。而且如果人家知道我戴着假发套,可能还会暗自嘲笑我。)
The shuffle and snicker become the comedians trademark.(搅和与窃笑成为那个戏剧演员的标志。)
I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker (T. S. Eliot).(我看到永远的仆人拿着我的大衣,并且傻笑(T.S。艾略特)。)
This is the making of the Snicker TVC.(这是飞跃道为士力架拍摄广告时的制作花絮。)
At school, your classmates start to snicker.(到了学校,同学们开始窃笑。)
Can you guess which part of this post made me snicker a bit?(你猜得出是这个职位的一部分,我暗笑一下?)
And our own snicker when someone else really had left behind.(而我们自己在窃笑别人的时候真的就已经落后了。)
I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker T. s.(我看到永远的仆人拿着我的大衣,并且傻笑T。)
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