英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:21:36



英 [səʊk]

美 [soʊk]




名词: soaker 过去式: soaked 过去分词: soaked 现在分词: soaking 第三人称单数: soaks

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  • 浸渍,浸泡,浸湿
  • 酒鬼,狂喝滥饮的人
  • 烂醉,狂饮
  • 大雨
  • 浸液
  • 湿透
  • 酒宴
  • 典当
  • 殴打
  • 洗澡,泡澡
  • 渗透
  • 吸,吸收,吸出;摄取
  • 湿透,浸湿,浸泡,浸渍
  • 使湿透,弄湿,把…浸湿
  • 使沉湎,使热衷
  • 痛打,重罚
  • 喝得烂醉,酗酒
  • 浸出,浸掉
  • 沉浸在(工作,学习中)
  • 使喝醉,使大醉
  • 向...敲竹杠,宰
  • 向...征重税
  • 感化(某人)
  • vt. 泡 become wet through by being in liquid or absorbing liquid
  • vt. 浸透 cause sth to absorb as much liquid as possible
  • vi. 酗酒 drink heavily



1. washing something by allowing it to soak

Synonym: soaking

2. the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid)

e.g. a good soak put life back in the wagon

Synonym: soakagesoaking



1. cover with liquid
pour liquid onto

e.g. souse water on his hot face

Synonym: drenchdousedowsesopsouse

2. heat a metal prior to working it

3. fill, soak, or imbue totally

e.g. soak the bandage with disinfectant

Synonym: imbue

4. become drunk or drink excessively

Synonym: souseinebriatehit it up

5. make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)

Synonym: intoxicateinebriate

6. beat severely

7. submerge in a liquid

e.g. I soaked in the hot tub for an hour

8. rip off
ask an unreasonable price

Synonym: overchargesurchargegazumpfleeceplumepluckrobhook

9. leave as a guarantee in return for money

e.g. pawn your grandfather's gold watch

Synonym: pawnhock

1. 浸;泡
If you soak something or leave it to soak, you put it into a liquid and leave it there.

e.g. Soak the beans for 2 hours...
将豆子浸泡 2 小时。
e.g. He turned off the water and left the dishes to soak.

2. 使湿透;浸湿
If a liquid soaks something or if you soak something with a liquid, the liquid makes the thing very wet.

e.g. The water had soaked his jacket and shirt...
e.g. Soak the soil around each bush with at least 4 gallons of water.
用至少 4 加仑的水浸湿每株灌木周围的土。

3. 渗透
If a liquid soaks through something, it passes through it.

e.g. There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts...
e.g. Rain had soaked into the sand.

4. (长时间地)泡热水澡
If someone soaks, they spend a long time in a hot bath, because they enjoy it.

e.g. What I need is to soak in a hot tub.

5. see also: soaked;soaking

相关词组:soak up

1. 浸泡:WCVD工艺一般由四个步骤组成:加热并用SiH4浸泡(Soak),成核(Nucleation),大批淀积(Bulk Deposition)和残余气清洗(Purge). (图2)在成核这一步中,SiH4和氢气的混合气体与WF6源气体反应形成了一薄层钨,这一薄层钨作为后续钨层的生长点.

2. 泡:一台洗衣机可以处于浸泡(soak)、洗涤(wash)、漂洗(Rinse)、脱水(Spin)或者关机(off)状态. UML状态图如下图所示,该图能够描述上面所提及的状态. 该图说明洗衣机可以从一个状态转移到另一个状态. 图中最顶端的符号代表起始状态,

3. 浸,泡,均热:slug 嵌条 | soak 浸,泡,均热 | software 软件

4. 浸、泡:LAGGING 绝缘材料 | SOAK 浸、泡 | RESIDUE 滤渣、残余物

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    被逐渐理解 become gradually and clearly understoodThe chairman waited until his suggestion had had time to soak in before inviting the committee's opinions.主席等他的建议被慢慢理解后才征求委员们的意见。

1. in soak : 在典当中;

  • It's not good to soak.
  • You do nothing but soak with the guests all day long.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Roger took a soak in the tub.

    出自:P. Monette
  • She ran a bath and..soaked in the hot water.

    出自:M. Wesley
  • 词语用法

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  • 词源解说

  • soak的基本意思是“泡”,指将某物浸入液体之中,使被浸泡的物质完全湿透、变软或溶化。soak还可表示“浸透”。引申可指“酗酒”“沉浸在”“课税”。
  • soak主要用作及物动词,作“酗酒”解时还可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
soak, drench, impregnate, saturate, sop, steep, waterlog
  • 这组词的共同含义是“浸泡”。其区别是:
  • soak强调完全浸泡在液体中,以致被浸泡的物质完全湿透、变软或溶化; saturate侧重指浸透到饱和的承度,暗示不能再增加了; steep特指把某物的精髓浸泡出来并使其同液体融为一体; impregnate主要指把某物浸泡在不是水的液体中使其渗透到各处; sop通常指用肉汤、牛奶或酒来泡食物,也指把某物用液体浸透; waterlog专指使某物浸透水,使其变得无用、太沉重或湿润; drench专指被雨水彻底淋透。
    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的socian,意为浸湿。
    Let the clothes soak for a few hours in soapy water.(让衣服在肥皂水中泡几小时。)
    In the mornings, I would sneak the soiled sheets to the washbasin and soak them.(每天早晨,我会偷偷地把弄脏的被单放到脸盆里浸上。)
    According to local sheriffs, he often slips into a house just to soak in a hot bath or steal mint-chip ice cream from the fridge.(根据当地治安官的说法,他经常潜入一所房子,只是为了泡个热水澡,或者从冰箱里偷薄荷冰淇淋。)
    There'll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.(将会有充足的机会来放松、游泳和接受一些阳光。)
    There's nothing better than a long soak in a hot bath.(没有什么比好好地泡个热水澡更舒服的了。)
    Visitors can still see the stone boxes sealed with clay that was used to soak limpets, employed as fishing bait.(游客至今还能见到用粘土砌合的石头箱子,当时被用来浸泡帽贝作为捕鱼的诱饵。)
    The vegetables should soak in the water first.(蔬菜应先用水浸泡一下。)
    What I need is to soak in a hot tub.(我需要的是在浴盆里泡个热水澡。)
    Soak your arm in warm water.(将你的双臂浸泡在温水中。)
    Oceanides Thetis, Achilles' mother, grasped his heel to soak him in the Styx River after he was born.(阿克琉斯出生后,他的母亲海洋女神西蒂斯握着他的脚跟在冥河里浸泡。)
    soak是什么意思 soak在线翻译 soak什么意思 soak的意思 soak的翻译 soak的解释 soak的发音 soak的同义词