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更新时间:2025-03-24 22:00:30

social science

英 [ˈsəuʃəl ˈsaiəns]

美 [ˈsoʃəl ˈsaɪəns]


名词: socialscientist

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1. the branch of science that studies society and the relationships of individual within a society

1. 社会科学
Social science is the scientific study of society.

2. 社会科学学科
The social sciences are the various types of social science, for example sociology and politics.

1. 社会学:答:笔者亦希望就此问题详细解答,因为不少读友均希望毕业后担任社工以服务社会,但在选择课程时,一来不会留意课程是社会学(Social Science)或是社会工作(Social Work),二来可能认为自己没有资格念社会工作,不可能成为社工.


2. 社会科学类:关于学生所学专业的分布: 60%的中国留学生读商业管理类(BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION),其次是计算机和信息技术类(COMPUTER AND IT),经济学类(ECONOMICS),工程类(ENGENEERING),社会科学类(SOCIAL SCIENCE然后就是健康/护理/药学/科学/

3. social science在线翻译

3. 社会科学院:电脑学Computer Science | 8.社会科学院Social Science | 人类学Anthropology

I took up social science and I love them, yet I cannot feel that intimacy as I felt in literature.(我捡起了社会科学而且我深爱它们,但即使这样,我和它们仍然无法感受到我和文学之间曾有的那种亲密。)
Social Science& Medicine,Volume 71, Issue 11, December 2010(《社会科学与医学》(第71卷第11期,2010年12月))
many other humanities and social science fields have just kept up.(其他许多人文社科领域也出现了相似情况。)
The study appears in Social Science & Medicine, published by the Dutch publishing house Elsevier.(研究报告在荷兰埃尔塞韦尔出版社出版的《社会科学与医学》上发表。)
The report is to be published in the journal Social Science and Medicine.(这份报告在《社会科学与医学》杂志上发表。)
Here's another way in which smartphones might transform the way we live and work: by offering insights into human psychology and behavior and, thus, supporting smarter social science.(这里有另一种方式,智能手机可能会以这种方式改变我们的生活和工作方式:通过提供对人类心理和行为的洞察,从而支持更智能的社会科学。)
Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences.(社会科学是一个总称,涵盖一系列独立学科。)
Intel's sci-fi publishing arm is an extension of its 12-year-old social science division.(英特尔的科幻小说出版大军是它有着12年历史的社会科学部门的一项延伸。)
"Thanksgiving is more of an obligation," says University of Minnesota social science professor Bill Doherty.(明尼苏达大学社会科学教授BillDoherty说,“感恩节更多的是一种责任。”)
On his blog, Adams explained, "Google values technology, not social science."(对此,亚当斯在博客中解释道:“谷歌重视的是技术,而不是社交。”)
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