英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:30:34



英 [ˈspi:ʃəs]

美 ['spi:ʃəs]


副词: speciously 名词: speciosity

  • 详情解释

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  • 华而不实的
  • 似是而非的
  • 貌似有理的
  • 外观好看的
  • 像是真实的
  • 徒有其表的


1. based on pretense
deceptively pleasing

e.g. the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility
meretricious praise
a meretricious argument

Synonym: gildedmeretricious

2. plausible but false

e.g. a specious claim
spurious inferences

Synonym: spurious

1. 似是而非的;貌似真实的
Something that is specious seems to exist or be true, but is not real or true.

e.g. It is unlikely that the Duke was convinced by such specious arguments.

1. 徒有其表的:speciosity 徒有其表 | specious 徒有其表的 | speciously 外观好看地

2. 徒有其表的,外观美观的:speciosity,徒有其表,似是而非 | specious,徒有其表的,外观美观的 | auspex,占卜,avis是鸟的意思,看鸟的飞行状态来占卜

3. 外表美观的:Specific 明确的 | Specimen 样品 | Specious 外表美观的

  • 经典引文

  • What are these specious gifts, these paltry gains?

    出自:G. Crabbe
  • A policy which had a specious show of liberality.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • The specious self-assurance of those..conscious of inferior birth.

    出自:R. C. Hutchinson
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Old building was torn open, old friend broadcast, the detail in memory is more and more specious.(老房子拆了,故人四散,记忆里的细节越来越似是而非。)
This view of the market to specious.(这种观点对市场的把握似是而非。)
I'd like a specious room.(我要一间装饰漂亮的房间。)
I think your argument is specious.(我认为你的论证华而不实。)
The procedure of thin layer chromatography-spectrophotometry analysis of total triterpene in Lagerstroemia specious L.(采用薄层色谱分离-分光光度法测定大叶紫薇叶中的总三萜含量。)
We would n't accept his specious claim.(我们不会接受他那貌似有理的要求的。)
This is a specious puppet.(这是一个似是而非的伪问题。)
But the idea that a benefit received can be classified as a capital gain simply because it is risky seems specious.(但是,如果仅仅因为有风险就将其收入归为资本所得,就有点华而不实了。)
Foreman: I think your argument is specious.(弗曼:我觉得你的论据华而不实。)
Such comparisons are obviously specious and self-serving.(这样的比较明显地华而不实,而且自私自利。)
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