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更新时间:2025-03-17 18:29:05


英 [ˌspɒntəˈneɪəti]

美 [ˌspɑ:ntəˈneɪəti]


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名词复数: spontaneities

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. the quality of being spontaneous and coming from natural feelings without constraint

e.g. the spontaneity of his laughter

Synonym: spontaneousness

1. 自然行为;自发动作
Spontaneity is spontaneous, natural behaviour.

e.g. He had the spontaneity of a child.

1. spontaneity

1. 自发:对于他早期的创作,鲜有讨论提及他的作品把张大千的泼彩泼墨与西方的抽象表现主义联在一起的主要因素,是前者画面上泼的效果,令人联想到西方现代主义中的抽象(abstraction)、自发(spontaneity)和表现性(expressive至他最后的作品<>,

2. 自然:以及儒家关于由微观世界、宏观世界及自然(spontaneity)所构成的多重位置样式的主题. 对价值的分析则可以发展儒家下面这个想法:...


3. 自然,自发(动作):triumph over 战胜 | spontaneity 自然,自发(动作) | subtitle 副标题,小标题

  • 经典引文

  • The..grainy photograph which..was a sign of spontaneity and originality.

  • She possessed a spontaneity..rare in our self-conscious times.

    出自:J. Cartwright
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He had the spontaneity of a child.(他有孩子般的自然举动。)
But the near-perfect spectacle came at a cost: control that squeezed any spontaneity out of the events.(但是这种几近完美的表象是有代价的:那就是将一切自发的言行排除于奥运之外的控制。)
Teachers in England are trained to plan lessons in segments of three minutes, a theory which leaves little room for spontaneity in the classroom.(英格兰的老师被训练去将每一堂课以三分钟为单位做出规划,这给课堂留下了极少的自发性和灵活性。)
We miss many occasions for serving because we lack sensitivity and spontaneity.(我们常因敏锐度与机动性不够而错失很多事奉的时机。)
The carefully staged black-and-white Steichen pictures that delighted prewar readers of Vogue mostly gave way to color and spontaneity.(那些战前使《时尚》的读者们欣喜的细致黑白分明的史泰钦照片绝大多数都让步于色彩和自发性。)
It allows for more spontaneity in your life.(单身生活能让你有更多的自主。)
Lifton wrote that mystical manipulation often occurs through "planned spontaneity."(Lifton认为神秘运转通常都是通过“有预谋的自发性(plannedspontaneity)”实现的。)
The more you learn the easier it becomes to play with more spontaneity.(你学的越多,游戏起来就越自然。)
There's a lot of happiness to be gained from spontaneity, impulsive adventures, and unpredictable undertakings.(在那些突出性的、不可预知的冒险中,也会体验到许多乐趣。)
Rio's inhabitants (called Cariocas) are well known for their spontaneity, their energy and their lust for life.(里约热内卢的土著居民以其纯自然地,旺盛的精力和对生活的热爱而闻名。)
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