英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈspɔ:tsmən]

美 [ˈspɔrtsˌwʊmən, ˈsports-]



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1. someone who engages in sports

Synonym: sportsportsman

1. 女运动员
A sportswoman is a woman who takes part in sports.

1. 女运动家:sportswear 运动装 | sportswoman 女运动家 | sporty 像运动家的

2. sportswoman是什么意思

2. 女运动员:sportsman 运动家 | sportswoman 女运动员 | craftsman 工匠

3. 女运动员,女运动家:congresswoman 国会女议员 | sportswoman 女运动员,女运动家 | clergywoman 女牧师,女教士

She was a keen sportswoman and represented the university in games ranging from table tennis to basketball.(她热衷于体育运动,曾代表本校参加乒乓球、蓝球等一系列体育活动。收藏。)
In her day, she was the best sportswoman around, but now younger women have taken her place.(在她事业的顶峰时,她是这里周围地区最好的女运动员,但是现在,年轻的女运动员取代了她的位置。)
The British magazine said: 'Will she be a pop star, designer or sportswoman?(InStyle杂志英国版称:“她将成为明星、设计师、还是女运动员?”)
She was designated sportswoman of the year.(她被指定为本年度的体坛明星。)
Also I thought a sportswoman would probably have a bright future.(我就是觉得一个女运动员会有一个好的前途。)
I didn't know you were a sportswoman.(我不知道你是个女运动员。)
He Wenna, a trampoline athlete, is my favorite sportswoman.(何雯娜,蹦床运动员,是我最喜欢的女运动员。)
Mary Lou was named sportswoman of the year by sports Illustrated.(玛丽娄被任命为运动员的年度体育画报。)
A girl athlete named Tobi worked very hard and became the best sportswoman in her team.(一位名叫托比的女孩非常努力,后来成为队里最优秀的运动员。)
What a sportswoman, I must say. Can you imagine?Fantastic!(我不得不说,多厉害的运动家啊你能想象吗?)
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