英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:36:48



英 [ˈskwɒlə(r)]

美 [ˈskwɑ:lə(r)]


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  • 肮脏
  • 邋遢
  • 卑鄙
  • 卑劣
  • 贫困
  • 脏地段
  • 败坏
  • 贫穷
  • 污秽
  • 悲惨,不幸


1. sordid dirtiness

Synonym: sordidnesssqualidness

1. 肮脏;邋遢;恶劣条件
You can refer to very dirty, unpleasant conditions as squalor .

e.g. He was out of work and living in squalor.

1. squalor的翻译

1. 肮脏:影响人口增长的负面因素: 肮脏(Squalor):这个由城市的人口决定,每1500人就会产生0.5%,不足1500人的不算. (在1.2版本后,这个与公共秩序的负面影响有一点不一样,公共秩序肮脏的负面影响有最大值,而在人口增长这一项里面没有这个限制,


2. 肮脏/贫穷/不干净:squally /多狂风的/天气将愈变愈坏的/可怕的/ | squalor /肮脏/贫穷/不干净/ | squama /鳞片/鳞/鳞状部/

3. 不洁,污秽:posterior (在时间,次序上)较后的 | squalor 不洁,污秽 | tremor 震动,地震

4. 肮脏;邋遢:Condemn 迫使人处于不幸或不愉快状态 | Squalor 肮脏;邋遢 | Free-for-all 混战

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He had lost his job and was living in squalor.(他丢了工作,过得很糟糕。)
Chasing Riches From Africa to Europe and Finding Only squalor.(带着追富梦想的非洲人,去往欧洲,找到的仅仅是肮脏和鄙陋。)
It was a mixture of squalor and magnificence.(它是肮脏破旧和壮丽豪华的混合体。)
Dogs are often bred far too frequently, are kept cramped together in squalor, and are not socialized with humans.(狗狗们经常被过度繁殖,极不卫生的拥挤在一起,也没有和人类的社交训练。)
Most Romans, and many city-dwellers throughout history, lived in squalor, and many died of it.(大部分罗马人和历史上众多城市的居民都生活在肮脏恶劣的环境中,许多人因此死去。)
Underdevelopment is chocking: the squalor, disease, unnecessary deaths, and hopelessness of it all!(不发达是骇人听闻的,这就是肮脏、疾病、不必要的死亡和对所有这些东西的绝望!)
Outside the walls, squalor and pollution abound in the streets.(围墙外,肮脏和污染充斥大街。)
A heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing and squalor. Often used in the plural.(人口稠密的城市地区,以低于法定标准的住房和贫穷为特征。经常使用复数。)
Teeth, complexions and clothes all evoke the prosperous Poland of today more than the squalor and hunger of 1945.(牙齿、肤色和着装,一切都令人想起今日波兰的繁荣,而非1945年的贫穷与饥饿。)
In fact, behind the vanity is not the squalor.(其实浮华背后就是看不到的肮脏。)
squalor是什么意思 squalor在线翻译 squalor什么意思 squalor的意思 squalor的翻译 squalor的解释 squalor的发音 squalor的同义词