英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 22:19:54

stand up

英 [stænd ʌp]

美 [stænd ʌp]

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

stand up的翻译


1. defend against attack or criticism

e.g. He stood up for his friend
She stuck up for the teacher who was accused of harassing the student

Synonym: stick up

2. refuse to back down
remain solid under criticism or attack

3. be standing
be upright

e.g. We had to stand for the entire performance!

Synonym: stand

4. put into an upright position

e.g. Can you stand the bookshelf up?

Synonym: standplace upright

5. rise to one's feet

e.g. The audience got up and applauded

Synonym: ariseriseupriseget up

6. rise up as in fear

e.g. The dog's fur bristled
It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!

Synonym: bristleuprise

7. resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.

e.g. Her shoes won't hold up
This theory won't hold water

Synonym: hold uphold water

1. -> see stand 1;2

2. (要求或证据)经得起检验,能够成立
If something such as a claim or a piece of evidence stands up, it is accepted as true or satisfactory after being carefully examined.

stand up在线翻译

e.g. He made wild accusations that did not stand up...
e.g. How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?

3. (男友或女友)爽约,放…的鸽子
If a boyfriend or girlfriend stands you up, they fail to keep an arrangement to meet you.

e.g. We were to have had dinner together yesterday evening, but he stood me up...
e.g. He was in a foul mood because he had been stood up.

  • 情景对话


A:Do you think you could go over that new dance with me again? I missed the last class and don’t want to fall behind.

stand up的意思

B:Sure. Let’s start with a little stretch. Stand up straight, breathe in, and lift your hands over your head.

A:Like this?

B:Yes. Now, breathe out and push your hands back down by your sides. Breathe in… and breathe out.Now, bend over and touch your toes. Hold it. Repeat…

A:I think I’m warmed up now.

stand up的翻译

B:To start then, walk sideways to your right three steps. Jump up. Turn around. Then, walk sideways to your right another three steps. Jump up and turn around. Got it?

stand up的解释

A:Yes, but what are we supposed to do with our hands?

B:Keep them by your side. When we jump up, shake them in front of you.

A:That’s pretty easy. What’s next?

B:We do that three times. Then, lift your left leg up to your right hand three times. Jump. Lift your right leg up to your left arm three times. Jump.

A:Is this right?

stand up什么意思

B:Yes, just make sure that you keep your back straight.

stand up的近义词

A:How many times do we repeat this?

stand up是什么意思

B:Three times as well. Then we do the first set again.

A:Ok, I think I’ve got it. Thanks, Moira!

B:Not a problem.

This thesis does not stand up to close inspection.(这个论点经不起仔细推敲。)
I'm afraid this document will never stand up in a court of law.(恐怕这份文件在法庭上是根本站不住的。)
Could you be strong and stand up?(你可以坚强点站起来吗?)
He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing.(他突然心血来潮,想站起来歌唱。)
He made wild accusations that did not stand up.(他作出了经不起检验的无端的指控。)
You'll look taller if you stand up straight.(站直身子,你会显得高些。)
His argument simply doesn't stand up to close scrutiny.(他的论点完全经不起仔细推敲。)
You must stand up for your rights.(你必须维护自己的权利。)
The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.(这种地毯设计得十分耐用。)
I can no longer stand up.(我再也站不起来了。)
stand up是什么意思 stand up在线翻译 stand up什么意思 stand up的意思 stand up的翻译 stand up的解释 stand up的发音 stand up的同义词