1. a culture containing yeast or bacteria that is used to start the process of fermentation or souring in making butter or cheese or dough
e.g. to make sourdough you need a starter
2. a hand tool consisting of a rotating shaft with parallel handle
Synonym: crank
3. an electric motor for starting an engine
Synonym: starter motorstarting motor
4. food or drink to stimulate the appetite (usually served before a meal or as the first course)
Synonym: appetizerappetiser
5. any new participant in some activity
Synonym: newcomerfledglingfledgelingneophytefreshmannewbieentrant
6. the official who signals the beginning of a race or competition
Synonym: dispatcher
7. a contestant in a team sport who is in the game at the beginning
1. (一餐中的)第一道菜,开胃小吃
A starter is a small quantity of food that is served as the first course of a meal.
2. (汽车的)发动装置
The starter of a car is the device that starts the engine.
e.g. A car's starter is basically an electric motor.
3. (不一定坚持到比赛结束的)参赛者,参赛动物
The starters in a race are the people or animals who take part at the beginning even if they do not finish.
e.g. Of the 10 starters, four were eliminated or retired.
10 名参赛者中有 4 名被淘汰或自行退出了。
4. 作为开端;首先;第一
You use for starters when you mention something to indicate that it is the first item or point in a series.
e.g. These prizes are just for starters. Other exciting offers are flooding in...
e.g. Her manager said, 'It will cost her 1.5 million pounds for starters if she loses.'
她的经纪人说:“如果她输了,她将首先会损失 150 万英镑。”
1. 起动器:一、镇流器(Ballast)的功能:因此所谓传统式镇流器主要构成乃是抗流线圈(Choke)或再加上电容器所组成,传统镇流器在使用时还须配合一个称为起动器(Starter)的组件来负责点亮灯管之用.
2. 启辉器:用于改造老式T8电感荧光灯,安装方便;节电率高;寿命长;亮度高是T5换T8的最大特点.安装方便::只要把老式T8支架上的T8灯管和启辉器(Starter)取下来,把T5换T8像安装灯管一样一拧就立即达到节电40%~60%,亮度提高20%~50%.节电率:普通的电感T8,
3. 启动器:传统镇流器需搭配一个称为启动器(Starter)的小元件才能使灯丝间的压差达到使荧光管足以放电的程度, 最新的电子式镇流器则不需要启动器,因为启动工作已被包含在镇流器内.规格
4. 起动机:在发动机前端用一个皮带传动的机构,将交流发电机和发动机联结起来,并把起动机(starter)同样连接在交流发电机的机构中,节省了内部空间. 同时,皮带具有质量轻的特点,与齿轮传动比较,大大降低了整个动力总成结构的质量.
These [horses] comprised the six starters.
出自:N. GouldI found the Lancia a good starter.
出自:Country LifeA project which..seemed a very doubtful starter.
出自:K. M. E. Murray近义词