英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:43:50



英 [step]

美 [stɛp]


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  • 干草原
  • (特指西伯利亚一带没有树木的)大草原
  • 草原地带
  • 无树林的大平
  • 类似的平原


1. extensive plain without trees (associated with eastern Russia and Siberia)

1. 大草原,干草原(尤指从东欧横穿苏联南部直至西伯利亚的大片地区)
Steppes are large areas of flat grassy land where there are no trees, especially the area that stretches from Eastern Europe across the south of the former Soviet Union to Siberia.


1. 大草原:而俄罗斯的自然生态拥有丰富多样的面貌,包括北极苔原(tundra)、大草原(steppe)、针叶林(taiga)等,然而乌拉山脉(Urals)以西的俄罗斯欧洲区,是历史发展的中心,大部分的人口都集中在这一区,除了北边北极海沿岸之外,土地几乎开发殆尽.

2. 草原:附图1 蒙古高原草原(Steppe)位置和中国内蒙古、蒙古国对比研究项目样区及研究范围2. 大草原(Steppe)生态环境与游牧民族习惯、习惯法的共生关系3. 蒙古草原(Steppe)地区习惯法和成文法蒙古人将自己看成是自然的一部分,

3. steppe什么意思

3. 典型草原:第二章至第七章为原则篇或基础篇,以草地...鄂尔多斯草原(ORDOS GRASSLND)从植被地理学和植被生态学来划分,它包含着:典型草原(Steppe)、荒漠草原(Desert Steppe)和草原化荒漠(Steppe Desert)三种草原类型,是覆盖鄂尔多斯高原地带性植被的总...

The evaporation and transpiration of the steppe communities is a complex problem influenced by many factors.(草原群落蒸发蒸腾是一个由多种因素综合影响的复杂问题。)
The main force, led by Batu, a grandson of the legendary Genghis Khan, retreated to the Black Sea steppe.(主力由传奇人物成吉思汗之孙拔都率领,他撤退至黑海平原。)
For the next 1,500 years, its inhabitants enjoyed a somewhat warmer and damper climate than today, living in a well-wooded steppe area where wild cereal grasses were abundant.(在接下来的1500年里,这里的居民享受着比现在稍微温暖和潮湿的气候,他们生活在树木繁茂的草原上,那里有大量的野生谷物草。)
I had seen the steppe many times in the dream.(无数次在梦里看见过这片草原。)
Others are sparse forest steppe and desert vegetation.(其它还有疏林草原和荒漠植被。)
On seeing him, Enkidu, the gazelles ran off the wild beasts of the steppe drew away from his body.(见到他,羚羊开始奔逃,草原上的野兽开始远离他。)
For most species, this result can be explained by recent steppe expansion associated with a decrease of habitat heterogeneity.(对于大多数种类,这种结果可由最近草原扩大而来的生境异质性降低解释。)
Above the steppe zone there is no alpine desert, but alpine meadow.(草原带以上高寒荒漠不存在,高寒草旬则有一定发育。)
Khara Khorum began to fade, although the Khans periodically returned to the city on the steppe.(哈喇和林(KharaKhorum)开始衰落,尽管可汗时不时还会回到这座大草原上的城市。)
Its 681 pages of text are at times as grueling as a forced march across the Mongolian steppe.(它那681页的文本读起来就像在蒙古草原上急行军一样让人累得慌。)
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