英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 18:40:26



英 [ˈsterɔɪd]

美 [ˈstɪrˌɔɪd, ˈstɛr-]


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形容词: steroidal

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  • 【生化】类固醇(化合物)
  • 【生化】甾族化合物
  • 甾醇乙
  • 激素
  • 类脂醇
  • 类甾醇


1. any hormone affecting the development and growth of sex organs

Synonym: steroid hormonesex hormone

2. any of several fat-soluble organic compounds having as a basis 17 carbon atoms in four rings
many have important physiological effects

1. 类固醇(运动员服用后可增强体力)
A steroid is a type of chemical substance found in your body. Steroids can be artificially introduced into the bodies of athletes to improve their strength.

1. 类固醇:(二)类固醇 类固醇(steroid)是环戊稠全氢化菲的衍生物. 天然的类固醇分子中的双键数目和位置,取代基团的类型、数目和位置,取代基团与环状核之间的构型,环与环之间的构型各不相同. 其化学结构是由三个六碳环已烷(a、b、c)和一个五碳环(d)组成的稠和回环化合物.

2. steroid

2. 糖皮质激素:再如,药物的影响,在青春期前开始长期大量地应用糖皮质激素(steroid),反而抑制了下丘脑-脑下垂体--肾上腺轴的功能,造成肾皮质功能减退甚至萎缩,分泌的雄性激素减少或不分泌,就会阴毛稀疏或无阴毛.

3. steroid是什么意思

3. 固醇类:脂质与蛋白质共同组成细胞膜,细胞膜在细胞之间与细胞内的讯息传递十分重要,许多固醇类(steroid)贺尔蒙也属於脂质. 5)染色体外之DNA 质体(plasmids) 在叶绿体及粒线体 ,或质体

Steroid. Steroid medicaitons, such as the drug prednisone may controll gout, inflammation and pain.(类固醇药物如强的松可以控制痛风引起得炎症和疼痛。)
He had allergies, which drove him crazy despite an antihistamine and a nasal steroid spray.(他还有过敏症,发作起来没有抗组织胺和类固醇喷雾难以止住。)
Concern exists about the side effects of steroid therapy, however.(然而,关于类固醇疗法的副作用也得到了考虑。)
These patients, however, had received only a short course of steroid therapy.(然而,这些患者仅仅接受了短程类固醇激素治疗。)
She tried decongestants, antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays.(她也试过减充血剂,抗组胺药和类固醇鼻喷剂。)
Also, steroid use and illegal drug use should be avoided.(此外,甾体激素类使用和违禁药物使用也应当避免。)
Tacrolimus is probably as strong as betamethasone valerate (a potent steroid).(他克莫司可能与戊酸倍他米松一样有效(一种有效的类固醇)。)
Calling a local Walgreens, Lewis was relieved to learn that the drug was an anabolic steroid.(给当地的Walgreens药店打电话咨询后,Lewis了解到瓶子里是一种合成代谢类固醇。)
If cool baths and moisturizers don't relive itching, you may need a steroid cream or oral antihistamine.(如果凉水澡和保湿乳也不能缓解瘙痒的症状,那你就需要类固醇乳霜或者口服的抗组胺剂了。)
Second-line agents were used for steroid dependence, steroid resistance, or frequent relapses.(二线的药物被用于激素依赖型、激素抵抗型和频繁复发者。)
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