英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:45:29


英 [ˈstɪltɪd]

美 [ˈstɪltɪd]


副词: stiltedly 名词: stiltedness

  • 详情解释

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  • 夸张的
  • 踏着高跷的
  • 矫揉造作的,不自然的 ,做作的
  • 浮夸的
  • 呆板的
  • 拘谨的
  • 老掉牙的
  • 生硬的
  • 虚饰的
  • 动词stilt的过去式和过去分词形式


1. artificially formal

e.g. that artificial humility that her husband hated
contrived coyness
a stilted letter of acknowledgment
when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation

Synonym: artificialcontrivedhokey

1. (言谈)呆板的,生硬的,不自然的
If someone speaks in a stilted way, they speak in a formal or unnatural way, for example because they are not relaxed.

e.g. We made polite, stilted conversation...
e.g. His delivery was stilted and occasionally stumbling.

1. 僵硬的, 不自然的,呆板的:- unfocused 未聚焦的 | - stilted 僵硬的, 不自然的,呆板的 | - insincere 不真诚的

2. stilted

2. 踩高跷的:stilted arch 有座子的圆拱 | stilted 踩高跷的 | stimulant 刺激物


3. 提高:stilt 高桥 ;支材 | stilted 提高 | stilted arch 上心拱

  • 经典引文

  • The irksomeness of artificially stilted manners.

    出自:V. G. Kiernan
  • Exchanging stilted sentences at long intervals.

    出自:G. Daly
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

No matter what he talked about, he spoke in the clichés and hoary , stilted phrases of an old Party manual.(他无论讲什么,总是那些陈词滥调,唱着从陈旧的党内手册中搬来的老掉牙的高调。)
Even within the stilted language of academic papers, the excitement comes through.(即使在学术性的语言中,我们也能感觉到作者的兴奋之情。)
"Thank you," she said, equally 12 stilted.(“谢谢你。”她说道,同样显得不自然。)
During our stilted radio conversations, he dispenses such wisdom as, "Warning."(在我们呆板的无线电对话里,他如此演绎这些航海知识:“警告。”)
People are working in the rice fields and stilted bamboo houses complete the rural scene.(人们在稻田里劳作,和高脚竹屋一起构成了乡村的图画。)
A choppy or stilted gait should be penalized.(起伏不定的、呆板不自然的步态属于缺陷。)
Plan, but not too much-fully scripted videos can come off as stilted and flat, but you should still do some planning before filming.(列计划,但是不要列太多:完全按稿子制作的视频,会让人感觉枯燥,平淡,但是在拍摄前必须事先做好计划。)
Most of my memories were of stilted meetings and uncomfortable times together.(我的大多记忆是一些让人别扭的碰面和不自在的共处时光。)
Our first academic visit, to the History Department of Wuhan University, sticks in my mind for its very stilted and tense nature.(我们学术参观的第一站是武汉大学的历史系,当时留给我的是僵硬和紧张的气氛。)
Slender black metal pillars support the upper storey, giving it a stilted appearance.(细长的黑色金属柱支撑上层,赋予了它一个硬朗的外观。)
stilted是什么意思 stilted在线翻译 stilted什么意思 stilted的意思 stilted的翻译 stilted的解释 stilted的发音 stilted的同义词