英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [stɜ:n]

美 [stɜ:rn]



副词: sternly 比较级: sterner 最高级: sternest 名词: sternness

  • 详情解释

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  • 苛刻的
  • (目光)严峻的
  • 严厉的
  • 严格的
  • 坚定的
  • 要求别人服从的
  • 难对付的
  • 性格十分坚强的
  • 有很大的毅力
  • 粗暴的
  • 严肃的
  • 尊严的
  • 绷紧的
  • 可怕的
  • 冷酷的
  • 冷森森的
  • 不动摇的
  • 坚决的
  • 船尾
  • 尾部
  • 臀部
  • 尾巴
  • 【徽章】狼尾
  • 后部
  • 斯德因
  • 末端
  • 斯特恩
  • 苛刻的,严格的 showing firmness and severity
  • 严肃的,严厉的 showing displeasure or disapproval


1. the rear part of a ship

Synonym: after partquarterpooptail

2. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

e.g. he deserves a good kick in the butt
are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?

Synonym: buttocksnatesarsebuttbacksidebumbunscanfundamenthindquartershind endkeisterposteriorpratrearrear endrumpseattailtail endtooshietushbottombehindderrierefannyass


1. severe and unremitting in making demands

e.g. an exacting instructor
a stern disciplinarian
strict standards

Synonym: strictexacting

2. of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor
forbidding in aspect

e.g. an austere expression
a stern face

Synonym: austere

3. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty

e.g. grim determination
grim necessity
Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty
relentless persecution
the stern demands of parenthood

Synonym: griminexorablerelentlessunappeasableunforgivingunrelenting

4. severely simple

e.g. a stark interior

Synonym: austereseverestark

1. (话语或行动)严厉的,严正的
Stern words or actions are very severe.

e.g. Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence...
e.g. He said stern measures would be taken against the killers...

'We will take the necessary steps,' she said sternly.

2. (人)严厉的,严格的,苛刻的
Someone who is stern is very serious and strict.


e.g. Her father was stern and hard to please.

3. 船尾;艉部 from stem to stern
The stern of a boat is the back part of it.


4. (人)性格坚强的,坚忍的
If you say that someone is made of sterner stuff, you mean that they have a strong personality and are capable of overcoming difficulties and problems.

e.g. Whoever this woman is, she's made of sterner stuff than I am.

1. stern的解释

1. 船艉:如果因为风浪过大而有必要实施顶戗的话,动力船舶采取船艉(Stern)顶浪,风帆船舶采取右戗. 三. 位於风暴中心正前方的风暴路径上:动力船舶与风帆船舶都应该设法让风持续从左船舽2点(大致是相对方位200°)吹来,尽可能以这个航向一直往前跑,

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Stern discipline did not achieve the desired result.
  • The judge was a stern,unapproachable man.
  • A smile relaxed his stern mouth.
  • Gulls billowed and creaked around the stern of the..vessel.

    出自:D. Profumo
  • A stern judge who had sentenced numerous persons to death.

    出自:J. A. Michener
  • 词义讲解

stern, severe, strict
  • 这组词的共同意思是“严格的”或“严厉的”。它们之间的区别是:
  • 1.strict通常用于指对人的行为要求符合规范,一般译为“严格的”; severe多指由于客观需要而不能轻易改变规则和要求,含有冷酷无情之义,一般译为“严厉的”; stern则含有坚定不可动摇之义,多由人的性格所决定,一般译为“严谨的”。试比较:
  • She was very strict on discipline.
  • 她严格遵守纪律。
  • She is a severe judge.
  • 她是个严厉的法官。
  • Father's face wore a stern expression.
  • 父亲面色严峻。
  • 2.在语气上, severe最重, stern次之, strict则相对较轻。
    • 近义词

    • 反义词

    • 临近词

    They had to tell Peter of Tink's crime, and almost never had they seen him look so stern.(然后,他们不得不把小叮当的罪行告诉彼得,他们几乎从来没有见过他这么严厉。)
    Our captain gave us a stern lecture on safety.(我们的船长在安全问题上给了我们严厉的批评。)
    It is placed in the stern of a boat.(它被放在船尾。)
    Brown himself has been a stern critic of taxing financial transactions, and he himself knows that this kind of idea is totally unreliable.(布朗曾严厉的抨击过金融税,而他本人也知道,这种点子是根本靠不住的。)
    They might not come close to the ISS's orbit, yet Stern believes they will revolutionise the way we, the public, see space.(他们可能不会接近国际空间站的轨道,但斯特恩相信他们将彻底改变我们公众看待太空的方式。)
    "James Hook," came the stern answer, "it is all my doing."(“詹姆斯·胡克,”船尾的人回答,“这就是我所做的一切。”)
    Because these things are unpaired, we have already seen how unpaired electrons play a role in the Stern-Gerlach experiment.(因为这些事物都是未成对的,我们已经发现在Stern-Gerlach实验中,未成对电子扮演怎样一个角色了。)
    He was a stern critic but an extremely kindly man.(他是一位严厉的批评家,却是一个非常仁慈的人。)
    The Mole to his surprise and rapture found himself actually seated in the stern of a real boat.(令鼹鼠惊喜的是,他发现自己竟然坐在一只真船的船尾上。)
    He cast a stern glance at the two men.(他严厉地瞪了那两名男子一眼。)
    stern是什么意思 stern在线翻译 stern什么意思 stern的意思 stern的翻译 stern的解释 stern的发音 stern的同义词