英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 20:01:14

stumble on

英 [ˈstʌmbl ɔn]

美 [ˈstʌmbəl ɑn]

偶然遇到; 碰巧找到
  • 网络解释

1. stumble on是什么意思

1. 无意中发现:stumble across 偶然发现 | stumble on 无意中发现 | stumble upon 偶然发现

2. stumble on的解释

2. 无意间发现:constantly:经常地 | stumble on:无意间发现 | sniff:闻


3. 偶然遇到,碰巧找到:1187stumblen. 绊倒,失策; v. 使绊倒,失策 | 1188stumble on偶然遇到,碰巧找到 | 1189stumpn. 残株,烟蒂,讲演台; v. 砍断,蹒跚而走

4. 偶然遇到:refute 驳斥,驳倒 | stumble on 偶然遇到 | tumble to 明白,领悟

  • 临近词

When someone asks, "What are you working on?," you stumble, because it is hard to explain.(当有人问“现在在忙什么”时,你不知怎么回答,因为这很难解释。)
Toyota captured the top spot from GM in 2008, only to stumble on quality as it rushed for quantity.(2008年,丰田从通用手中夺过头名,怎料却在急于提高数量时,被质量所羁绊。)
You don't want him or her to stumble on your blog accidentally and find that you've been Posting 1,000-word stories throughout the day when you should be working, says Mr. Schawbel.(施瓦贝尔称,不要让老板无意中读到你的博客,发现你花了一整天时间写了一篇1,000字的博文,而这个时间你本应该在工作。)
Thus Christ is being rejected by the overwhelming majority of humanity today. As a result, men stumble on in spiritual darkness blindly toward destruction, judgment, and hell.(因此,现今绝大部分人都不接受基督,徘徊在属灵的黑暗中盲目走向毁灭、审判和地狱。)
In a short story, two teenagers stumble on a police torture chamber, growing fascinated, then bored.(在他的一个短篇里,两个少年意外撞见警察的酷刑室,为它着迷,接着失去兴趣。)
Without a sober mind, even the fastest footsteps can go awry; without the correct direction, one can stumble on the the most level path.(没有清醒的头脑,再快的步伐也会走歪;没有正确的方向,再平的道路也会摔跤。)
At Stanford University, researchers stumble on a possible answer.(在斯坦福大学,研究人员偶然在一个可能的答案。)
Rarely will the Ancient Egypt they stumble on look like the Ancient Egypt of textbooks.(他们遇到的古埃及人和课本里的古埃及人相同的机会微乎其微。)
I am glad to have stumble on your blog.(我很高兴有蹒跚在你的博客上。)
Rare companies like YouTube show what happens when entrepreneurs stumble on the right idea at just the right time, but I suspect that most companies miss the time window slightly and have to adjust.(很少有公司像YouTube一样,在合适的时机找到合适的商业想法并付诸实施。我怀疑,大部分的公司都会轻微的错失时机,不得不作出相应的调整。)
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