英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [spaʊs]

美 [spaʊs, spaʊz]


过去式: spoused 过去分词: spoused 现在分词: spousing 第三人称单数: spouses

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 配偶
  • 夫妇
  • 夫妻
  • 和...结婚
  • [C] 配偶,夫或妻 husband or wife


1. a person's partner in marriage

Synonym: partnermarried personmatebetter half

1. 配偶
Someone's spouse is the person they are married to.

1. spouse的解释

1. 夫妻:否认立约 non est factum | 夫妻 spouse | 夫妻感情 goodwill as between spouses

2. spouse是什么意思

2. 夫妇、配偶:couple 夫妇 | spouse 夫妇、配偶 | consort 配偶

3. 配偶/夫妻/结婚/爱人:spousal /结婚/结亲/结婚仪式/结婚的/ | spouse /配偶/夫妻/结婚/爱人/ | spouter /喷油井/

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Being faithful to one's spouse is a duty.
  • With the help of her spouse..cut into the wedding cake.

    出自:W. Trevor
  • Leave their respective spouses and be free to live with each other.

    出自:C. Harkness
Does your spouse may share some of this burden?(你的配偶能否帮你分担一些负担?)
It is often helpful to have your spouse in the room when major news is expected.(在等待重大消息时,让你的配偶在场往往是很有好处的。)
Second, seek to understand and listen to your spouse.(第二,争取理解并倾听配偶的话。)
Is your spouse so jealous of or threatened by your friends and family that you hardly ever see them anymore?(你的配偶是不是对你的朋友和家人过于嫉妒或感到威胁,以至于你现在已经基本上见不到他们了?)
It's not Christ plus the right spouse.(不是基督给了你一个好配偶。)
Communicate with your spouse.(与你的伴侣交流。)
Ask your spouse on a date.(喊你的另一半出去约会。)
If the gerbil's spouse dies, it may or may not accept a new spouse.(如果沙鼠的配偶死去,它可能会也可能不会接受一个新的配偶。)
Each found another spouse.(他们都找到了新的伴侣。)
Favorite small kindness that your spouse shows you?(最喜欢配偶给你的什么样的小小善意呢?)
spouse是什么意思 spouse在线翻译 spouse什么意思 spouse的意思 spouse的翻译 spouse的解释 spouse的发音 spouse的同义词