1. a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving
e.g. he drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus
Synonym: style
2. a sharp pointed device attached to the cartridge of a record player
1. (唱机的)唱针
The stylus on a record player is the small needle that picks up the sound signals on the records.
2. (计算机的)手写笔,触笔
A stylus is a device like a pen with which you can input written text or drawing directly into a computer.
e.g. It has a stylus-operated on-screen keyboard that takes great skill to master.
1. stylus
1. 唱针:*唱针(stylus) 指装于唱头针臂一端的宝石针形物. *超低音音箱(subwoofer) 指专门用于重放低音的那类音箱. *主观测试评价(subjective testing) 指不用任何仪器设备而对音响或视听器材进行聆听(观看)评价的方法.
2. stylus的解释
2. 铁笔:Symbian的授权许可范围包括了广泛的设备品种:如具有微型键盘的电话,使用铁笔(stylus)输入的电话,以及配备了Qw ...Canvas帮助我们处理低级系统事件. 重绘事件一个是用低级API的系统至少要具有描绘画面的能力.
3. 尖笔:说起普通的罗马木简,是作成宽14至15厘米、长20厘米的木板,四周宽约1厘米的部分以外,中间部分全部稍微铲去,水平低于边缘,用尖笔(Stylus)在注进的蜡上写字.
4. 笔:件,如超越、设计者(Designer)、奥姆尼斯(Omnis)等,这才使这种一度用光笔(stylus)书写的手稿,能增加在现场工作的人的生产率. 盖茨说,盖茨的远景展望还包括一种多媒体(Multimedia)系统. 这种产品在微