英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:54:13



英 [səˈbɔ:n]

美 [səˈbɔ:rn]


名词: subornation 过去式: suborned 过去分词: suborned 现在分词: suborning 第三人称单数: suborns

  • 详情解释

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  • 收买,买通
  • 教唆(买通)…作伪证
  • 使发假誓,使作假证明
  • 行贿
  • 唆使,怂恿
  • 唆使某人犯法



1. induce to commit perjury or give false testimony

e.g. The President tried to suborn false witnesses

2. procure (false testimony or perjury)

3. incite to commit a crime or an evil deed

e.g. He suborned his butler to cover up the murder of his wife

1. 唆使:fibrous structure 纤维状组织 | suborn 唆使 | paintbox 绘具箱

2. 以贿赂或非法手段获取;贿买:subordinatestation 副港 | suborn 以贿赂或非法手段获取 贿买 | subornation 使人作伪证 贿赂他人作伪证


3. 唆使,贿赂,使发假誓(或作假证等):suborner 唆使者,唆使发假誓者 | suborn 唆使,贿赂,使发假誓(或作假证等) | to flex muscle 显示力量

4. suborn什么意思

4. 使作伪誓/唆使/怂恿/收买:suboriferous /汗腺/ | suborn /使作伪誓/唆使/怂恿/收买/ | subornation /收买/

  • 经典引文

  • Am I supposed to have suborned my cook and parlourmaid to be my accomplices?

    出自:D. L. Sayers
  • Beauty suborns the critical faculty.

If he thinks that he can suborn me, he is grievously in error.(如果他认为可以收买我,那他就大错特错了。)
BRIBERY involves two parties, not one. Lambasting officials in poor countries for their sticky fingers is usually easier (and less open to legal challenge) than investigating those who suborn them.(贿赂包含两方而不是一个当事人。痛骂贫穷国家官员们不停的伸手比调查谁给了他们好处要简单得多(也不像司法质询那样公开)。)
They suborn witnesses to testify that he has spoken against Moses and the Temple.(他们收买证人作证说,他已表示反对摩西和圣殿。)
He was charged with conspiracy to suborn witnesses.(他被指控阴谋收买证人作伪证。)
The siloviki have shown they can squash opposition, suborn the courts and stay in charge.(“西罗维基”集团表明了他们能够压制反对意见,收买法庭和掌控一切。)
Even now, you seek to suborn my Fish Speakers.(即使是现在,你也在设法收买我的鱼之代言者。)
suborn是什么意思 suborn在线翻译 suborn什么意思 suborn的意思 suborn的翻译 suborn的解释 suborn的发音 suborn的同义词