英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:00:29



英 [ˌsu:pəˈsi:d]

美 [ˌsu:pərˈsi:d]


名词: superseder 过去式: superseded 过去分词: superseded 现在分词: superseding 第三人称单数: supersedes

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  • 接替
  • 取代
  • 代替
  • 废弃
  • 将...免职
  • 撤换
  • 废除
  • 接任
  • 退居次位
  • 继任
  • 使放在一边


1. take the place or move into the position of

e.g. Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left
the computer has supplanted the slide rule
Mary replaced Susan as the team's captain and the highest-ranked player in the school

Synonym: supplantreplacesupervene uponsupercede

1. 取代,替代(陈旧或令人不满意的事物)
If something is superseded by something newer, it is replaced because it has become old-fashioned or unacceptable.

e.g. Hand tools are relics of the past that have now been superseded by the machine.


1. 取代:替代性的,在这灾难性的后果之后,他开始理解他的行为的意义:我们这些亲密关系人的重要性可能会取代(supersede)更加简单的愉悦,由此我们在相互性中所寻找的可能会优先于在比较狭窄的经验范围内所经历到的愉悦.

2. supersede

2. 取代,替代:supernatural 超自然,神奇的 | supersede 取代,替代 | superstition 迷信

3. 代替:superscription 标题 | supersede 代替 | supersedeas 撤诉令

4. supersede什么意思

4. 代替更换:superscription 信封上的姓名、地址 | supersede 代替更换 | supership 超级船舶

  • 经典引文

  • Mrs Wickam..superseded Mrs. Richards as the nurse of little Paul.

  • The tractor had..superseded the plough.

    出自:V. Woolf
  • The original wooden structure was destroyed when it was superceded by stone.

Save your money. Don't be frivolous. Long term benefits always supersede short term satisfaction.(勤俭节约,好好存钱。长久的利益胜过一时的满足感。)
Will airplane supersede train?(飞机将替代火车吗?)
Any one could supersede you as manager in my office.(我办公室中的任何一个人都可以接替你的经理职务。)
This Contract shall supersede all previous communications, either oral or written between the parties.(本合同取代双方以前所有的口头或书面通讯。)
In the future, robots will supersede human beings for very heavy work.(今后,机器人必将取代人类的繁重劳动。)
Will multiple versions of the same application run concurrently, or does a new version supersede an older version?(同一应用程序的多个版本是否可以同时运行,或者新版本是否会取代旧版本?)
We must supersede old machines by new ones.(我们必须以新机器取代旧机器。)
Future tests of general relativity by radio observations of this system will supersede the best Solar system tests available.(未来通过对该系统辐射的观测来测试相对论将取代最好的太阳系测试。)
No provisions in either party's purchase orders or other business forms will modify, supersede or otherwise alter the terms of this agreement.(任何一方不能在业务订单或以其他形式的修改、取代或更改本协定的各项规定。)
Personal efforts supersede personal characteristics.(个人努力比个人性格更重要。)
supersede是什么意思 supersede在线翻译 supersede什么意思 supersede的意思 supersede的翻译 supersede的解释 supersede的发音 supersede的同义词