英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:01:10


英 [ˈsʌplɪkənt]

美 [ˈsʌplɪkənt]




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  • 恳求者
  • 祈求者
  • 哀求者
  • 恳请者
  • 恳求的
  • 恳请的
  • 祈求的
  • 哀求的


1. one praying humbly for something

e.g. a suppliant for her favors

Synonym: petitionersuppliantrequester

2. someone who prays to God

Synonym: prayer


1. humbly entreating

e.g. a suppliant sinner seeking forgiveness

Synonym: suppliantsupplicatory

1. (向上帝或重要人物请求的)祈求者,恳求者,哀求者
A supplicant is a person who prays to God or respectfully asks an important person to help them or to give them something that they want very much.

e.g. He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant.

1. 恳求者, 恳请者:suppliant 恳求者, 哀求者 | supplicant 恳求者, 恳请者 | cult 宗派;教派

2. 乞求者,恳求者:ination: 从属,部下. | 495. supplicant: 乞求者,恳求者. | 496. surrogate: 代理人.

3. 祈求者,恳求者:co-applicant共同申请人 | supplicant 祈求者,恳求者 | communicant 通知者,报告者,领圣餐的人

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The Modeler's priests would, on payment from the supplicant, assist in childbirth.(作为对祈祷的回报,塑造者的祭司会在分娩中提供帮助。)
It is hard to be both a supplicant and a critic, but Mr Cameron did his gymnastic best.(很难界定卡梅伦到底是祈求者还是评论者,但卡梅伦却展现了他最灵活的一面。)
The first is the ability to "manage upwards". This means turning yourself into a supplicant: Barack Obama asked about a third of his fellow senators for help when he first arrived in the institution.(第一件,是“向上管理”的能力,一层意思是说你要将自己放在一个“有求于人”的位置上:巴拉克•奥巴马初到参议院时请求大约三分之一的参议员帮他的忙;)
Washed clean of sin, a favored supplicant , she bowed her head and folded her hands over the altar rail .(罪孽洗涤干净了,恳求得到了满足。她垂着头,双手并拢,举在祭坛前的栏杆上面。)
Be prompt in your response, be courteous and treat me as a potential colleague, not as a supplicant.(反应迅速,彬彬有礼,把我当作一个潜在的同事,而不是一个哀求者。)
Believe with all your whole heart, that just as you present yourself to God as a supplicant, so God presents Himself to you as the Hearer of prayer.(坚信只要全心全意地在祂面前切慕恳求,上帝自然而然会垂听施恩。)
I stand here not as a, supplicant. Vote as your moral conscience dictates to you.(我站在这里并非要恳求什么,你们只管按照道德良知告诉你们的去投票。)
The outdated categorizations of First and Third Worlds, donor and supplicant, leader and led, no longer fit.(划分‘第一世界’与‘第三世界’、援助国与受援国、领导者与被领导者的过时概念已经不再适用。)
It is time we put old concepts of First and Third Worlds, leader and led, donor and supplicant, behind us.(现在是把这些过时观念:第一世界和第三世界,捐助国和求助国,领导者和被领导者,抛在脑后的时候了。)
Britain was an indebted supplicant.(英国只是一个负债累累的乞讨者。)
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