Suddenly sitting down on the ground the child swiftly took off her shoes and stockings.(孩子突然坐在地上,迅速地脱下了她的鞋袜。)
Xuande checked them swiftly.(玄德急止之曰:“不可!”)
At first he thought the sound did come from the crocodile, and he looked behind him swiftly.(一开始,他以为那声音是鳄鱼发出来的,他赶紧回头看了看。)
At this answer, the Pigeon flew swiftly down to the earth.(听到这个回答,鸽子迅速地飞向地面。)
The boy ran away swiftly.(小男孩一溜烟儿跑了。)
Scientists swiftly condemned the ruling.(科学家们迅速的谴责了该裁定。)
She moved swiftly to the rescue.(她迅速赶来营救。)
This fish lives in the freshwater streams of South America, and they can smell the blood from far away and launch attacks swiftly.(这种鱼生活在南美洲的淡水溪流中,它们能从很远的地方闻到血腥味,并迅速发起攻击。)
More important for our discussion, wetland areas support a lot more varieties of life than swiftly flowing water.(更重要的是,湿地地区,与流动的水域相比,能供养更多种类的生命。)
Swiftly, neatly, with the grace of the young man on the flying trapeze, he was gone from his body.(带着飞荡的高架秋千上那个年轻人的优雅姿态,他灵巧而敏捷地从躯体里走出来。)
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