英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['ræpɪdlɪ]

美 [ˈræpɪdlɪ]


比较级:more rapidly最高级:most rapidly

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. with rapid movements

e.g. he works quickly

Synonym: quicklyspeedilychop-chopapace


1. 迅速地:rapidity 迅速 | rapidly 迅速地 | rapt 狂喜的

2. rapidly是什么意思

2. 迅速:demand=需求; | rapidly=迅速; | outstrip=超过;


3. 迅速地(状语):was sinking 正在下沉(谓语,一般过去进行时态) | rapidly迅速地(状语) | for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded!(状语从句)

4. 很快地:Perpetual永久的 | Rapidly很快地 | Degradation下降

The frequency of Kara's phone calls increased rapidly.(卡拉打电话的频率迅速增加。)
Inflation is rising rapidly; the yuan is depreciating.(通货膨胀正在迅速上升;人民币正在贬值。)
Today's hits rapidly become old hat.(今日红极一时的东西,很快就会过时。)
He was moving rapidly around the room.(他正在房间里快速地来回走着。)
Once the decision was made, things fell into place rapidly.(一旦决定了,事情很快顺理成章。)
Crime figures are rising rapidly.(犯罪数字正在迅速上升。)
The probability is that prices will rise rapidly.(物价有可能会迅速上升。)
The story rapidly became part of family folklore.(这个故事很快就成为家族传说的一部分。)
Her enthusiasm for the whole idea was waning rapidly.(她对整个想法的热情迅速冷淡了下来。)
The baggage was being rapidly stowed away for transportation.(行李正迅速被装好收起以便运输。)
rapidly是什么意思 rapidly在线翻译 rapidly什么意思 rapidly的意思 rapidly的翻译 rapidly的解释 rapidly的发音 rapidly的同义词