英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 19:04:11
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switch on的反义词


1. cause to operate by flipping a switch

e.g. switch on the light
turn on the stereo

Synonym: turn on

1. 打开,开启(电灯等)
If you switch on a light or other electrical device, you make it start working by operating a switch.

e.g. She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle...
e.g. He pointed the light at his feet and tried to switch it on.

1. 接通(电源):这是住在中国南京估计是对变形金刚(transformer)强烈的爱好者制作的真实比例(real-size)变形金刚. 嘛阿但是即使接通电源(switch on)也不能成为真正的变形金刚. 反正现在作出这种东西也是要移送至transformer部队 人民解放军什么的吧.

2. 导通:基本上,NCP3065支持功率FET在降压-升压段导通(switch ON),这时回馈电压降到低於参考电压. 而在Ct下降时,功率FET将无条件地强制关闭. 电阻R8(参见图5)用於感测输入电感电流,并提供给NCP3065的FB引脚. 这应用产生关闭时间暂态(Ivalley)电感电流控制.

By simply turning on the light in the room you could also switch on your Internet connection.(只要打开房间里的灯,互联网也就连接上了。)
Just switch on your computer or take out your pen and paper as soon as you wake up and start working on it.(仅仅在你醒来后就开机或者拿出纸笔来工作。)
I wanted to see her so I said, "Mom, could you please switch on the light?"(我很想看到她,于是便说:“妈妈,您能把灯打开吗?”)
You can switch on any or both modes to collect the data.(您可以打开任何一种模式或者同时打开两种模式以收集数据。)
Of course, to turn the on-off switch on is harder when somebody's in a coma.(当然要开启这个开关难度更大,当人陷入昏迷。)
They are controlled by molecular triggers that switch on and off on demand.(它们由能够根据需要开启或关闭的触发分子控制。)
A pre-set code is given to the farmer to switch on or off the pumpset.(一个预设代码给农夫打开或关闭泵唧装置。)
They switch on slowly, and they are reluctant to switch off.(它们启动缓慢,并且很难关闭。)
The dispatch order is how grid operators decide which power plants to switch on.(调度指令是指电网运营商如何确定哪些发电厂应该启动。)
Switch on memory?(记忆能够开关?)
switch on是什么意思 switch on在线翻译 switch on什么意思 switch on的意思 switch on的翻译 switch on的解释 switch on的发音 switch on的同义词