英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:08:20



英 [ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk]

美 [ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk]


副词: systematically 异体字: systematical

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  • 成体系的
  • 有系统的
  • 有条理的
  • 彻底的
  • 经常的
  • 【生】分类的
  • 【博】分类(学)的
  • 有规则的
  • 有组织的
  • 有条不紊的
  • 有步骤的
  • 存心的
  • 一贯的
  • 系统性的
  • 有计划的



1. characterized by order and planning

e.g. the investigation was very systematic
a systematic administrator

2. of or relating to taxonomy

e.g. taxonomic relations
a taxonomic designation

Synonym: taxonomictaxonomical

1. 成体系的;系统的;有条理的;按既定计划的
Something that is done in a systematic way is done according to a fixed plan, in a thorough and efficient way.

e.g. They went about their business in a systematic way...
e.g. They had not found any evidence of a systematic attempt to rig the ballot.

The army has systematically violated human rights...
She began applying systematically to colleges.

1. 系统性:亚当.史密斯(Adam Smith)与大卫.李嘉图(David Ricardo)所发展.融资决策(financing decision)以可能的最低长期资金成本来取得资金.投资决策(investment decision)以最有效资金配置来让股东财富极大化.系统性(systematic)或无法分散的(no

  • 经典引文

  • No systematic attempt to discuss the problem of free will as such.

    出自:Isaiah Berlin
  • Aristotle craved definition, explanation, systematic investigation, and proof, even in geometry.

    出自:J. Heller
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.systematic

The underestimation was systematic: When adding two numbers, the monkeys always paid attention to the larger of the two, and then added only a fraction(小部分)of the smaller number to it.

这种低估是系统性的: 当猴子加上两个数字时, 它们总是注意两个数字中较大的一个, 然后只添加较小数字的一小部分。


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To succeed, you've got to develop a systematic approach.(为了成功,你必须建立一个系统的方法。)
A method of systematic sampling has been adopted for Ailuropoda melanoleuca in Foping Nature Reserve.(已对佛坪自然保护区的大熊猫采用系统采样的方法。)
Westinghouse thus better exemplifies the systematic approach to technological development that would become a hallmark of modern corporate research and development.(因此,西屋公司更好地体现了技术开发的系统方法,该方法将成为现代公司研发的标志。)
Its somewhat ambitious title was "The Book of Life" and it attempted to show how much an observant man might learn by an accurate and systematic examination of all that came in his way.(这本书有点野心勃勃的书名是《生命之书》,它试图表明,一个善于观察的人,通过对他遇到的一切事物进行准确而系统的考察,可以学到多少东西。)
To find their sites, archaeologists today rely heavily on systematic survey methods and a variety of high-technology tools and techniques.(为了找到他们的遗址,考古学家现在非常依赖系统的调查方法以及各种高科技工具和技术。)
There is no systematic difference in membership between the group of mechanics who do first-time jobs and the group of those who do rework jobs.(在第一次工作的技工组和返工的技工组之间没有系统性差异。)
Reconstructing the climate changes of the past is extremely difficult, because systematic weather observations began only a few centuries ago, in Europe and North America.(重建过去的气候变化是极其困难的,因为在欧洲和北美,几个世纪前才开始系统的天气观测。)
The systematic study of this art is a relatively new discipline in Australia.(在澳大利亚,对这一艺术的系统研究是相对较新的学科。)
Scientists have tried to approach the question in a more systematic way.(科学家们试图用一种更系统的方法来解决这个问题。)
Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systematic project which calls for a clear road map and timetable.(发展长江经济带是一项系统工程,需要有明确的路线图和时间表。)
systematic是什么意思 systematic在线翻译 systematic什么意思 systematic的意思 systematic的翻译 systematic的解释 systematic的发音 systematic的同义词