英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈsɪmpəθi]

美 [ˈsɪmpəθi]


名词复数: sympathies

  • 详情解释

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  • 赞同,同感,同意,共感,赞成
  • 慰问,慰问电
  • 同情(心),怜悯
  • 吊唁,吊唁信
  • 协调
  • 【物】共振
  • 【物】共鸣
  • [U] 同情(心) (capacity for) sharing the feelings of others; feeling of pity and sorrow for sb
  • [P] 慰问; (感情上)的支持 feeling or expression of sorrow, approval, etc.


1. an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion

e.g. his sympathies were always with the underdog
I knew I could count on his understanding

Synonym: understanding

2. sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish)

Synonym: fellow feeling

3. a relation of affinity or harmony between people
whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other

e.g. the two of them were in close sympathy

1. 同情心;同情
If you have sympathy for someone who is in a bad situation, you are sorry for them, and show this in the way you behave towards them.

e.g. We expressed our sympathy for her loss...
e.g. I have had very little help from doctors and no sympathy whatsoever...

2. (对观点、看法的)同意,支持
If you have sympathy with someone's ideas or opinions, you agree with them.

e.g. I have some sympathy with this point of view...
e.g. Lithuania still commands considerable international sympathy for its cause...

3. 支持
If you take some action in sympathy with someone else, you do it in order to show that you support them.

e.g. Several hundred workers struck in sympathy with their colleagues...
e.g. Milne resigned in sympathy because of the way Donald had been treated.

1. 交感作用:为传递不随意和无意识活动的各内脏器官的相互影响,即交感作用(sympathy)的特殊神经的意思. 它是很久以前由温斯洛[J.B.Winslow,(1732)]提出和命名的. 在人体上,其节前纤维从第1胸椎到第3-4腰椎的脊髓侧角的神经细胞(交感神经细胞)发出,

2. sympathy的近义词

2. 交感:129-133)(43) 好感或交感(Sympathy)大不同于爱德(神圣的夫妻爱). 交感是盲目的,爱德则出乎理智;交感出于生性调协与臭味相投,而爱德则奠基于心灵的交合及理智和意志的融洽. 因而交感是皮毛的、浮动的,而爱德则是诚挚的、恒久的.

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  • 经典引文

1. out of sympathy with : 不赞同..., 与...不一致;

2. in sympathy with : 赞同..., 与...一致;

3. come out in sympathy : 举行同情罢工, 罢工声援;

  • I have much sympathy for you.
  • She pressed my hand in sympathy.
  • I eyed Charlotte with sympathy.
用作名词 (n.)
  • That doctrine of sympathy which accompanies all remedies by association.

    出自:W. G. Black
  • 词义讲解

sympathy, compassion, mercy, pity
  • 这组词都有“同情”或“可怜”的意思。其区别在于:pity通常只表示内心感到难过或同情,少给予帮助; sympathy指“同情心”或“恻隐之心”,强调共同分担,进而对某种经历或遭遇引起共鸣; compassion指“同情心”,强调由于理解而同情,并主动给予帮助,常常指通过自身痛苦或不幸而同情别人; mercy指“仁慈”或“怜悯”,含有主动救助别人脱离苦难之义。例如:
  • It is a pity that such an ability as him should be employed about such trifle matters.真可惜,像他这样有才能的人竟然被用来做这类琐事。
  • Her own experiences had taught her to have compassion for misunderstood children.她自身的遭遇使她认识到应对那些受到误解的孩子予以同情。
  • The criminal pleaded with the jury for mercy.犯人恳求陪审团宽恕他。
  • He was moved with sympathy.他动了恻隐之心。
    • 高考真题例句

    • 考研真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.sympathy

    The woman sitting at the desk, seeing my madness, sympathetically jumped up.

    坐在桌旁的女人看到我的疯狂, 同情地跳了起来。


    考研真题例句 OG 1.sympathy

    And vice versa: High sympathy can substitute for low guilt.



    考研真题例句 OG 2.sympathy

    Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shortfall by experiencing more guilt, which can rein in their nastier impulses.



    考研真题例句 OG 3.sympathy

    Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy if they are having troubles and with kindness if they are in pain.



    She was angling for sympathy.(她有意博取同情。)
    I have some sympathy with this point of view.(我对这一观点有些赞同。)
    To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage sympathy.(对大多数人来说,看到动物痛苦的样子就足以引起同情。)
    The president has offered his sympathy to the Georgian people.(总统已对格鲁吉亚人民表示了同情。)
    I have had very little help from doctors and no sympathy whatsoever.(我从医生那儿得到的帮助极少,而且没得到任何同情。)
    Although he is a socialist, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.(虽然威尔斯先生是个社会主义者,但他对工人阶级几乎没有同情心。)
    The person who deserves most sympathy is the French astronomer Guillaume Le Gentil.(最值得同情的人是法国天文学家吉尧姆·勒根蒂尔。)
    His case is unlikely to evoke public sympathy.(他的情况不大可能引起公众的同情。)
    They sent some flowers as a gesture of sympathy to the parents of the child.(他们送了一些花表示对孩子父母的同情。)
    I found myself feeling sympathy for him.(我发现自己同情他。)
    sympathy是什么意思 sympathy在线翻译 sympathy什么意思 sympathy的意思 sympathy的翻译 sympathy的解释 sympathy的发音 sympathy的同义词