英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 18:34:45


英 [ˈteɪbllænd]

美 [ˈtebəlˌlænd]


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1. a relatively flat highland

Synonym: plateau

1. tableland是什么意思

1. 戈壁荒原:注:戈壁荒原(Tableland)东边所临的大海. 注:提尔(Tyr)的三大城门之一. 注:阿塔斯(Athas)主大陆的名字. 注:提尔(Tyr)巫王卡拉克手下的高阶圣堂武士. 卡拉克死后,他接任为王. 在DS小说<>任过主角.


2. 原:注:戈壁荒原(Tableland)东边所临的大海. 注:提尔(Tyr)的三大城门之一. 注:阿塔斯(Athas)主大陆的名字. 注:提尔(Tyr)巫王卡拉克手下的高阶圣堂武士. 卡拉克死后,他接任为王. 在DS小说<>任过主角.


3. 高原:systematic sampling 系统抽样 | tableland 高原 | tafoni 风化

The landform evolution of Xianyang since the end of Qin Dynasty contains two aspects, the northward moving of the Weihe River bed and the changing of the edge slope of Xianyang tableland.(秦末以来,秦都咸阳地貌演变包括渭河河道北移和咸阳原边坡地貌变化两个方面。)
The coldest area is in the plateau area of Tasmania and southeast corner of the tableland and mainland.(最冷的地区在塔斯马尼亚的高原地带及台地和大陆的东南角。)
Qingyang Town, the territory is mountainous, the western region only has a little flat tableland.(青羊镇境内全是山区,仅西部有少许平缓台地。)
All architecture on the tableland is defensive, all monuments are like forts.(在这高原上,所有建筑样式都是防御式的,所有遗迹都像要塞。)
From component and the content of mineral, old plant tea and tableland tea have their own top quality.(从理化成分与矿物质含量来看,老树茶与台地茶各有千秋,不能简单、武断地讲谁优谁劣、谁好谁差。)
In the Southern Tableland (Nanyuan)of Jingyang County, Shaanxi Province, the loess landslides often occur along the slope of the tableland, causing heavy casualties and serious economic losses.(陕西泾阳南塬塬边黄土滑坡频繁发生,造成的经济损失和人员伤亡极为惨重。)
Few of tropical Africa's rivers are navigable from the ocean, dropping as they do from interior tableland to coastal plains by a series of falls and rapids.(酷热的非洲,几乎没有适于航海的河流,这些河流从内陆高原到海岸平原一路穿瀑布、过险滩,倾流而下。)
Note:1 means single phase, 3 means three-phase, Gmeans using in tableland area. Our company may have different dimension and specification products made to clients requirement.(注:尾号“1”表示单相,带“G”表示在高原地区使用;本公司可根据客户的需求顶做不同规格尺寸的产品。)
So, develop the system research for the single distributing vale experiment method and standard will safeguard for the tableland railway.(因此,建议开展高原环境下单阀试验标准和试验方法的系统研究,为高原铁路安全开行提供保障。)
Physical Features: Tableland and alpine valleys make up the main landform of the prefecture.(地理特点:阿坝地形以高原和高山峡谷为主。)
tableland是什么意思 tableland在线翻译 tableland什么意思 tableland的意思 tableland的翻译 tableland的解释 tableland的发音 tableland的同义词