英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈtæktfl]

美 [ˈtæktfəl]


副词: tactfully 名词: tactfulness

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  • 机智的
  • 老练的
  • 圆滑的
  • 得体的
  • 乖巧的
  • 圆通的
  • 不得罪人的
  • 机敏的
  • 机灵的
  • 委婉的


1. showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people

e.g. by diplomatic conduct he avoided antagonizing anyone
a tactful way of correcting someone
the agency got the kid-glove treatment on Capitol Hill

Synonym: kid-glove

2. having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others

e.g. she was tactful enough not to shatter his illusion
a tactful remark eased her embarrassment

1. 有分寸的;考虑周全的;圆通的
If you describe a person or what they say as tactful you approve of them because they are careful not to offend or upset another person.


e.g. He had been extremely tactful in dealing with the financial question...
e.g. I decided it wouldn't be tactful to order another beer.

Alex tactfully refrained from further comment.

1. 机智的:37.successful成功的 | 38.tactful机智的 | 39.trustworthy可信赖的

2. 机敏的(圆滑的):sensitive 敏感的 | mature成熟的 | tactful机敏的圆滑的

3. 真圆滑:...the last bitch on earth.|我也不会对你摇尾巴 | ...tactful?|...真圆滑? | Sparrow, I repeat.|斯派洛,我重覆一次

  • 经典引文

  • A tactful man..writes nothing likely to offend public opinion.

    出自:P. H. Gibbs
  • The..architect..had a reputation for the tactful handling of old houses.

    出自:M. Girouard
  • 近义词

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What he said was not very tactful.(他这话说得不圆。)
This person describes you with words like "kind," "helpful," "tactful," or "agreeable."(这个人会用“好心的”、“乐于助人的”、“机敏的”、或“可信任的”这样的词来形容你。)
You are tactful I forgive you this time and you can go now.(你是机智的,我这次原谅你,而且你现在能去。)
Again in a tactful and respectful manner.(再者以一种圆滑而尊敬的态度对待。)
We need a man with tactful management to do this job.(我们需要一个有圆滑的交际技巧的人来做这份工作。)
Such visitors are tactful about its shortcomings.(这些访客一定会敏锐地察觉到其缺点。)
Just remember to stay tactful.(记住,要保持老练机敏。)
Drouet was not shrewd enough to see that this was not tactful.(杜洛埃不够精明,看不出这么做太没有策略了。)
You dealt with an awkward situation very tactful ly.(你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。)
A tactful statement the next day at the Western Wall might have improved matters.(第二天在WesternWall一个委婉声明有可能改进的问题。)
tactful是什么意思 tactful在线翻译 tactful什么意思 tactful的意思 tactful的翻译 tactful的解释 tactful的发音 tactful的同义词