1. 味觉
Taste is one of the five senses that people have. When you have food or drink in your mouth, your sense of taste makes it possible for you to recognize what it is.
e.g. ...a keen sense of taste.
2. 味道;口味
The taste of something is the individual quality which it has when you put it in your mouth and which distinguishes it from other things. For example, something may have a sweet, bitter, sour, or salty taste.
e.g. I like the taste of wine and enjoy trying different kinds...
e.g. The taste of blood in her throat made her want to vomit...
3. (品尝的)少量,一点,一小口
If you have a taste of some food or drink, you try a small amount of it in order to see what the flavour is like.
e.g. We have a taste of the white wine he's brought.
4. 有…的味道
If food or drink tastes of something, it has that particular flavour, which you notice when you eat or drink it.
e.g. I drank a cup of tea that tasted of diesel...
e.g. It tastes like chocolate...
5. 尝;品尝
If you taste some food or drink, you eat or drink a small amount of it in order to try its flavour, for example to see if you like it or not.
e.g. He finished his aperitif and tasted the wine the waiter had produced...
e.g. Before proceeding any further, cut off a small bit of the meat and taste it.
6. 尝出…的味道
If you can taste something that you are eating or drinking, you are aware of its flavour.
e.g. You can taste the chilli in the dish but it is a little sweet.
7. (短暂的)经历,体验,尝试
If you have a taste of a particular way of life or activity, you have a brief experience of it.
e.g. But having had a taste of the big time, he won't want to go back to playing in the reserves...
e.g. This voyage was his first taste of freedom.
8. (短暂地)经历,感受,尝试
If you taste something such as a way of life or a pleasure, you experience it for a short period of time.
e.g. Anyone who has tasted this life wants it to carry on for as long as possible.
9. 喜欢;偏好
If you have a taste for something, you have a liking or preference for it.
e.g. She developed a taste for journeys to isolated hazardous regions in North America...
e.g. That gave me a taste for reading.
10. 鉴赏力;品味
A person's taste is their choice in the things that they like or buy, for example their clothes, possessions, or music. If you say that someone has good taste, you mean that you approve of their choices. If you say that they have poor taste, you disapprove of their choices.
e.g. His taste in clothes is extremely good...
e.g. Oxford's social circle was far too liberal for her taste.
11. 格调庸俗的/格调高雅的;没品位的/高品位的;不合时宜的/得体的
If you say that something that is said or done is in bad taste or in poor taste, you mean that it is offensive, often because it concerns death or sex and is inappropriate for the situation. If you say that something is in good taste, you mean that it is not offensive and that it is appropriate for the situation.
e.g. He rejects the idea that his film is in bad taste...
e.g. I do not feel your actions were either appropriate or done in good taste.
12. (烹饪时)依各人口味,酌量
When a recipe tells you to add a particular spice or other flavouring to taste, it means that you can add as much of that ingredient as you like.
e.g. Add tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste.